Yorkie Mix Suffers Sudden Paralysis
July 10, 2023
All I can say is Nzymes is a miracle. About 3 1/2 weeks ago my 11 year old yorkie mix (who has a history of seizures) became sick and would not eat or take his meds. This went on for 2 days. On the 3rd day he walked out to the kitchen and seemed to have a seizure. After this, his back legs went limp and he seemed paralyzed. I took him to the ER and the vet advised me that Copper had complete paralysis of his hind legs and would not walk again. She said he would need an MRI and surgery for what she believed to be a slipped disk in his back. She said surgery would cost over $10,000. I have never put him under anesthesia because he is only 5 pounds and has a history of seizures and has been on several meds since he was a puppy for his seizures. I don’t think Copper could go under and come out because he is a sick little puppy.
Copper’s Outlook Was Not Good
I told her that it was not an option for us to do this and she advised me to put him down at that moment. I asked her to give him fluids since he had not been eating or drinking and some anti nausea medication and advised her I would be taking him home. She said ok but we will see you back here in a few days I’m sure to put him down. I went home devastated and crying like a baby. The next day he did start to eat and drink. For two days, I researched night and day what I could do for him. He could not even lift his little head up. His back legs were just totally limp and would cross when I picked him up. I had to hold him up to eat and go to the bathroom. I ordered him a wheelchair but he could not even hold it up with his front legs. I felt hopeless.
I Found Nzymes.com and Read the Reviews
I continued to research and found Nzymes and read every review I could find. So many others had the same issue and were saying their dogs began to walk again. I thought it sounded great but didn’t really think it would work for him. It seemed too good to be true. I called and spoke to the sweetest woman who said to me “your dog is gonna walk again”. I wanted to believe her but didn’t know how sprinkling something on his food would actually help him walk again when he was paralyzed. I ordered Nzymes and received it the very next day.
The Moment of Truth
That night I gave him his first dose and doubled it because he was so bad. Day by day Copper began to get stronger. He began to pick his head up. He even looked good. He looked like a puppy again. Then he started to try to stand up. He kept falling down but he was trying. Before he would just lay there.
Then I noticed he was not where I put him in his bed when I came in the house. He was in the other room! I was like, how in the world did you get there? I started to watch him and he was scooting around and trying to walk. His legs were still crossing in the back but not nearly as bad. He was falling like crazy but he was getting around. Every day he has been getting better and better. Today, almost 3 weeks in, he is walking! He is not perfect. He is still a little wobbly but he is following me all around the house again, His legs are not crossing.
Copper is on the Move Again!
He is under my feet constantly and I hear his little pitter patter all over the house. It is truly a miracle and I cannot believe he is walking. Thank you so much for your product. I thank God for showing me this website. I want to take him back to that hospital and tell them all about this product and show them how amazing Copper is doing after they wanted me to put him down. I am also hopeful that it will help him with his seizures as well. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For anyone in this situation please give it a try.
Jennifer R.
Marlton, NJ
Editor’s Note:
When we first read about Copper’s ordeal, we were deeply moved and so grateful to play a role in his ongoing recovery. Many, many times we have fielded phone calls from distraught pet-parents who were faced with similar circumstances; An expensive, invasive surgery with no guarantees, or the pet would never walk again. They are truly in a desperate situation. Sudden paralysis comes in an instant. It may be due to a slipped disc, an accident, an injury or as in Copper’s case a seizure. It is a Helpless feeling, and with such a diagnosis, a Hopeless feeling.
But there is hope.
We are very careful when dealing with such a tender issue. Even though we have had amazing successes with such cases, no two cases are exactly alike. I had a personal call with Jennifer to discuss Copper’s story. She told me how skeptical she was at first, and I told her that I completely understood, and why. Then I asked, “what do you do when you come to the end of your rope, and you are out of options?” The vet’s option was to put Copper down. Our option was give the Granules a try. What do you have to lose? We are very glad that when Jennifer had come to the crossroads, she took a chance on Nzymes.