Glucosamine vs. Nzymes Nutritional Antioxidant Support
Benefits of Nzymes Antioxidant Treats vs. Glucosamine Use
We get many calls here at Nzymes daily from people regarding various joint health issues in dogs. Most rings come from reading the success stories at the Nzymes.COM.
Customers send these to help others with pets suffering or plagued with joint-related health problems. They are generally looking for a natural alternative that can help their pet. That is what leads them to our Super-Food Protein Sprouted Granules and our Antioxidant Treats.
One question that routinely comes up, is…
“How are Nzymes Different from Glucosamine?”

That is a fair question and one we are always happy to answer. The two products have their similarities and their differences. It is important to note that these two types of supplements are not competing with one another but complement each other. While both are helpful to the joints, they are acting on different mechanisms in the body.
Another question commonly asked…
“My dog is currently taking a glucosamine product.
Is it safe to give our dog Nzymes too?“
Our answer is always a resounding YES!
To fully understand what each product does to provide help, we need to look at Why there is a problem in the first place. Joint degradation generally starts with the breakdown of the lubricating substance surrounding the joint capsule, known as Synovial Fluid.
In layman’s terms, the synovial fluid is performing two primary jobs. It provides lubrication for greater ease in joint movement, and it offers hydraulic action in keeping the ends of the bones from rubbing together. Here is an illustration of a healthy joint capsule.

Note how the synovial fluid forms a layer between the ends of the bones. When the synovial fluid breaks down and becomes compromised, the hydraulic action and the lubrication begin to diminish, resulting in lesser ease of movement and more bone-on-bone contact.
When that occurs, pain, stiffness, swelling, and inflammation follow. Eventually, even the cartilage at the ends of the bones can become damaged. Now that we’ve outlined the problem, the question remains on what to do about it. Please see the illustration.
Let’s Start with Glucosamine.

What Do Glucosamine Products Do?
First, the layman must understand that there is a multitude of Glucosamine-based products on the market. They range in effectiveness from very good to almost nil. There are 3 or 4 brands out there that we have personally recommended. They have a long track record and a good reputation. These 3 or 4 top brands have certain ingredients in common.
- Glucosamine/Chondroitin – to help rebuild cartilage
- MSM (Nutritional Sulfur) – to naturally reduce inflammation.
- Hyaluronic Acid – to help lubricate connective tissues.
So, in short, this approach is about helping to repair the damaged cartilage while lowering inflammation for greater ease of movement.

What do the Nzymes Antioxidant Products Do?
Whether you choose the Antioxidant Treats or the Sprouted Granules, we expect good results. Years of successful results show us that Nzymes approach is all about providing LIVE nutrient-rich, super-food resources to the body, which seem to be missing from all processed pet foods. Once consumed, the Nzymes Treats or Granules help support the production of the body’s natural Metabolic Antioxidants. Antioxidants enzymes, like Superoxide Dismutase and its partner Catalase, work to clean away oxygen free radicals.
Just the breathing process creates Oxygen free radicals that are at work to rust and age the body. Additional Antioxidants like Glutathione Peroxidase and Methionine Reductase work at the cellular level to “carry out the garbage” accumulated in the body’s systems and cells. The Synovial fluid is greatly affected by this enzymatic process, restoring its viscosity and hydraulic function. At the same time, the antioxidant enzymes also work on the methods of inflammation, allowing for more pain-free movement.

What Makes Nzymes Superior to Glucosamine?
If the story stopped there, one would conclude the two are pretty comparable – but it doesn’t. The original question was, “How are Nzymes different from Glucosamine?” Since antioxidant enzymes work at the cellular level, cellular performance is enhanced as it plays throughout the entire body. Nzymes Offer these Natural Enhancements, but not with Glucosamine.
- Increased Energy
- Improved Digestion
- Improved Skin and Coat
- Decreased Shedding
- Speedier Recovery
- Improved Ocular Health
- Improved Neurological Function
As you can see, due to the scope of how antioxidant enzymes perform in the body, it is impossible to limit their activity to the joints alone. This is the one main reason our customers remark on how their dogs are “rejuvenated” or “puppy-like” again. These are benefits that a Glucosamine product cannot offer.
Authored by Mike Stansbury
Operations Manager, Nzymes.COM