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Nzymes Super-Food Nutrition for Cats of All Ages

The Best Supplement for Cats of All Ages

Super-Food Protein Nutrition for Cats
Supporting Bone, Hair, Muscle, Organs, and Skin

Nzymes Loves Cats, Too!

There’s a saying, “Dogs have Masters, Cats have staff!” One thing for certain about cat health is that cats are cool customers! While they may seem aloof, they are intently curious and naturally inquisitive. To win their affection is nigh unto gaining a Royal seal of approval! Wherever you fit into the kingdom, the health of your cat is of the utmost importance to you AND to us! Nzymes line of natural supplements can provide key ingredients to keep your Feline Friend as healthy as possible.


A Little Bit Goes a Long Way Towards Good Cat Health!

Did you realize that for just pennies a day, you can provide your cat with the essential elements to keep his immune system strong, his coat soft and shiny, enhance his digestion, and keep parasites to a minimum? The Nzymes family of cat health products is not large, but each item we offer plays a key role in a specific area of health. We have recently launched smaller-sized versions of our most popular items to make them more appropriate for cats and smaller pets in general.

So many cats these days are plagued by immune-related illness and disease. More and more research is revealing the negative effects of over-vaccination and diets consisting only of processed foods. This is one reason why supplementation is so important in helping to keep their natural defenses strong. We also invite you to see our recommended foods pages. Our cats are our constant companions. We desire to help your cat stay as healthy as possible.

LINKS for Cat Health Information:

  Hairballs | Excess Shedding | Urinary Issues | Mobility | FIV/FeLV

Powerful Superfood, Antioxidant & Vitamins!

Nzymes Antioxidant Treats & Antioxidant Tiny Treats

Is your cat’s health slowing down? Are sore hips and joints affecting his/her mobility? Are aging and low energy beginning to show? Has shedding become a problem? Has poor skin left them itching and scratching? What about neurological troubles? Low Enzyme Levels (LEL) can be at the root of all these issues.

Delivering Superfood Protein, Antioxidants, Minerals, and Vitamin Support: The “Superfood Protein Formulas” used in our Antioxidant Treats, Antioxidant Tiny Treats help deliver the natural dietary protein, nutrients, antioxidants, amino acids, and enzymes that support a feline’s bones, muscles, organs, tissues, skin, and coat. This unique and powerful “LIVE” protein nutrition is designed to soothe discomfort, harness the body’s natural power, and may help ease many common cat health issues and challenges.

Nzymes Sprouted Granules: Superfood Protein, Antioxidants, Minerals, and Vitamin Support

Antioxidant Support – The ‘Live Food” superfood nutrition in the raw granules enriches the body’s ability to produce critical Antioxidant Enzymes in greater abundance. Enzymes like Superoxide DismutaseCatalase, and Glutathione Peroxidase are at the forefront of cellular health. Lastly, the natural antioxidant structure may help cleanse toxins, strengthen the immune system, and support all aspects of the body’s metabolism. Regarding cat health, Nzymes® Superfood Nutrition is desperately required, considering today’s diets of over-cooked and processed pet foods. It’s simple: better cat health results when the cells are better able to perform their functions.

Micro-Encapsulated for Healthier Digestion

Bac-Pak Plus: Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics for Cat Health

Good cat health begins in the GI tract. Nzymes Bac-Pak Plus is a powerful and cost-effective Probiotic and Digestive Enzyme blend. This blend helps promote healthier digestion and the natural assimilation of foods. Bac-Pak Plus was created for use with cats of all ages and may help optimize a feline’s digestive tract and immune health. Only a tiny amount is used daily, so for pennies a day, your cat can benefit from the added support of this well-designed blend of digestive enzymes and probiotics.

The “Micro-Encapsulation Process” ensures efficient delivery of live digestive enzymes and probiotic cultures to where they are needed most. It offers critical protection from external temperatures and damage from stomach acid. This protection ensures that the majority of viable bacteria reach the GI tract.

It is now available for cat health in 3 Sizes, no matter how large or small your “pack” is, we have a Bac-Pak Plus size that is just right for you.

Natural Antimicrobial Support

Ox-E-Drops Add pH Balance for Your Cat’s Gastrointestinal and Immune Health!

Foods and fluids consumed daily directly impact the acid and alkaline balance levels of the cat’s body. Owners recognize the essential benefits of Ox-E-Drops for their cats. When the body is in a balanced alkaline state, chronic disease is less likely. Nzymes Ox-E-Drops Concentrate is a safe and stable compound of 5% Sodium chlorite and Reverse Osmosis Water. The few drops you use each day internally help provide a more stable pH balance for cat health while at the same time offering special protections and immune health support. Ox-E-Drops release precursors, which assist the body in the removal of potentially dangerous free radicals and toxins. Daily use supports good cat health, healthier immune functions, and the fight against unwanted invaders. It is naturally alkaline (pH 13), and the fluid is clear or slightly yellow in appearance.

Ox-E Topical Spray Solution – Support for Skin, Ears, Eyes, and Oral Needs

Ox-E Topical Spray Solution is a ready-made solution of Ox-E-Drops and ionized water used for just about any topical cat skin need. For years, we have provided instructions on the bottles on how to make the Topical Solution yourself at home. Still, several characteristics make the original bottle unique. When mixing Ox-E topical yourself, use Distilled or Filtered water. Remember: Ox-E-Drops must always be DILUTED WITH WATER before topical use.

Comes Made with Ionized Water

Only Ox-E Topical Spray Solution comes with our unique, ionized water. The process mimics nature as ionization occurs when moving water crashes on rocks in a waterfall or on the shore, or when the air is charged after a thunderstorm, you can smell it. These instances create a known therapeutic effect that cannot be denied and can be measured! Think about how you feel when walking on a beach, beside a babbling brook, or inhaling the sweet, humid air after a summer rain. The water molecules, in these cases, carry an extra electron, creating a negative charge or ionization. (info)

Perfect Bottle – Easy to Refill and Make More

The Ox-E topical slender design fits nicely in hand. The sprayer produces a fine mist ideal for most topical needs. Keep one in a purse, diaper bag, or a car’s glove box. You can even carry one in a gym bag. If you want to re-fill the bottle with your own water, you can use; (4 oz. pure water + 40 drops) of Ox-E-Drops concentrate and viola! 

Replenish Minerals Missing in Your Cat’s Body!

Tracite Minerals: 70+ Minerals / 18 Amino Acids in each Drop

Nzymes Tracite Minerals give your cat over 70+ essential trace minerals and 18 amino acids in an easy-to-give, highly absorbable form. Fulvic Acid Minerals are the most bio-available and enhance the uptake of nutrients, vitamins, and other supplements. Fulvic acid has natural Antioxidants to help cleanse toxins, support better digestion, and help with the cellular battle with deadly free radicals. These elements are vital in cellular regeneration and bio-electrical functions for general c health. Their presence enhances the uptake of nutrients and the activity of antioxidants, making them a perfect companion to our Antioxidant Treats or Sprouted GranulesNzymes Tracite Minerals rich sources come from ancient sea bed deposits of prehistoric plant matter preserved for millions of years by layers of sand and clay. The ocean covered this area several times in the past 40 million years, leaving deposits of super-rich land and sea plant minerals in their colloidal form.

The Body Requires Trace Minerals for Cellular Regeneration.

Each day, your cat’s body must replace dying cells with new ones. Trace minerals provide the building materials required for this purpose. In today’s world, the soils are depleted of mineral content due to over-farming. Medications strip vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from the cat’s body, leaving your cat’s natural resources in a deficit. Start using Tracite Minerals, and we guarantee you will see the difference. DID YOU KNOW? 95% of your cat’s body’s functions require minerals and trace elements. Each cell needs a daily supply of bio-electric energy supplied by the trace minerals and elements we consume.

Directions: Add the Tracite Drops to your cat’s food during meals. Drops can also be added given with water and an oral syringe.

Natural Herbal, Digestive, Heart and Cat Health Support

BlackLeaf Tincture: with Anti-Parasitic Black Walnut, Olive Leaf, and Cayenne

NZYMES BlackLeaf Tincture is a powerful herbal blend of Black Walnut, Olive Leaf, and Cayenne developed for cats of all ages. The botanicals are wild-crafted and harvested at optimal potency to support cat health. BlackLeaf offers many “Internal and Topical” support uses.

  • Black Walnut (Juglone) helps oxygenate the blood and has natural anti-parasitic/fungal qualities. The compound also contains a concentrated form of organic iodine. Juglone is a cancer-battling agent, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. It is neuro-protective, with antioxidant properties. It is known to ease pain and swelling. With digestion, it may be used to ease constipation.
  • Olive Leaf (Oleuropein) The Olive tree is a centerpiece of the Mediterranean lifestyle and diet. It is a symbol of health and vitality, and for good reason. Olive leaf contains polyphenols that protect against heart disease and cancer, help maintain cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and help control weight gain and obesity. It has long been recognized as an immune booster. Oleuropein was found to be the substance that made the Olive tree itself hardier and more resistant to disease.
  • Cayenne (Capsicum Annuum) Cayenne contains Capsaicin, a known pain reliever. It has also been found to inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells. Cayenne is tremendous for blood circulation and is a natural blood clot support. It helps to maintain blood sugar and blood pressure levels. As an Antioxidant, it helps to remove toxins from the body, boosting metabolism, digestion, and blood flow. Cayenne is naturally anti-fungal, helping to clear skin flare-ups like Psoriasis.

Combined, these three herbs bring dynamic support for cat health, vigor, and vitality. They also offer support for cats in the battle against parasitic invaders. Numerous non-commercial articles and blog posts document the benefits of these powerful ingredients.

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