Pneumonia and Respiratory Concerns in Horses

Answers to Equine Breathing Challenges

Support for equine respiratory distress

Just like Dogs, Cats or People, Horses can experience their share of respiratory stress. This may be due to pneumonia, or some other bacterial invader that has become lodged there. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, sneezing, wheezing, coughing or sputtering. Seeking medical attention is always a good idea in these instances, but it is good to know there are supporting natural therapies that can go a long way to help the situation. That is what Nzymes Healthy Respiratory Program is all about.

The Nzymes Healthy Respiratory Program is relatively simple to do, and can make a profound difference in your 4-legged friend’s breathing ability. The key is in our Ox-E-Drops, which can be used both orally and vaporized for inhalation purposes. The active ingredient in our Ox-E-Drops is Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) at 5% concentration. Chlorite ions are ideal for purpose as they are known to disrupt certain enzymes that are inherent to nasty organisms. That particular enzyme is known as “Respiratory Nitrate Reductase” (RNR). Without it, the organism begins to collapse, and cannot survive.  See Stories of Recovery.

Ways to Administer the Nzymes Program for Respiratory Distress in Horses

    1. VAPORIZER USE: Keep your horse in a confined space, like a stall or even a trailer. Add 1 teaspoon of the Ox-E-Drops to a Gallon vaporizer and let it run in the space with him. The larger the space, the longer it will need to run (overnight is OK).
    2. NEBULIZER USE: Use a nebulizer and a nose cone as you see above. The amount of drops to use will vary by the size of the reservoir used by the nebulizer (generally 3-4 drops per ounce of water).


Standard Size, best for Smaller Animals                      Re-filler Size, best for Huge Animals (Horses)