Nzymes 5-Steps to Restoring Healthy Skin
Watch a Short Video Set for A Quick Overview of Our Program
CLICK HERE to View Full Instructions Booklet – SAVE Link for Reference
Nzymes offers 3 Standard Healthy Skin Kits, as well as 2 Super-Kits for those families dealing with multiple cases in the home. The MAIN Antioxidant “live nutrition” product comes in two forms: Antioxidant Treats (in the SMALL Healthy-Skin Kit); and the Sprouted Granules (used in the LARGE and MINI Healthy-Skin Kits. The Sprouted Granules are the primary ingredient used in our Antioxidant Treats.
How the Healthy-Skin Products Function in the Body:
Antioxidants (Treats or Granules): Feeding the Treats or Granules provides the body with a Powerful Super-food Protein which nutritionally supports healthy bones, muscles, skin, tissues, hair and coat along with nutritional support for improved immune function. Both provide a LIVE FOOD source that the body can make use of to support better utilization or absorption of nutrients from consumed food. This form of nutrition also provides the FUEL to stimulate production of natural antioxidants like Superoxide Dismutase and counterparts of Catalase, Glutathione Peroxidase, and Methionine Reductase which are agents that help to flush out free radicals and toxins.
Ox-E-Drops: Each drop of Ox-E-Drops adds alkalinity (higher pH) to your pets’ gastrointestinal tract, creating a less hospitable environment for the fungal overgrowth in the GI tract. In addition to adding this product to your dog’s food and water, it is also mixed with water to make the 2% topical solution for application to all affected symptom areas, 3-4 times per day (more on this, and the Topical Solution in step #4 below).
BlackLeaf: This Herbal Tincture is added to the pet’s meals beginning week 2. Its herbal properties offer a natural counter effect to the fungal overgrowth, as well as supporting better immunity overall. Coupled with the Ox-E-Drops, they provide a powerful 1-2 punch in the battle with yeast overgrowth.
Bac-Pak Plus: The powerful Micro-Encapsulated Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes provided here add the final key component to the program. While the enzymes help with digesting the food/nutrients, the probiotics have the job of restoring/rebuilding beneficial bacteria colonies. Bac-Pak Plus is added to the pet’s food beginning week 4.
In Summary: A systemic yeast overgrowth is nothing more than a breakdown of the natural condition of the gut, leaving areas where friendly bacteria has been diminished or eliminated. A two-fold malady results: 1) Leaky Gut syndrome, where Candida cells and other elements can pass through tissues and utilize the Blood-stream to travel to other areas of the body. 2) Candida yeast begins to overgrow, take control of the Gut (digestive tissues) and travel throughout the body using the Blood. Used within our Program, these 4 PRODUCTS join forces with the immune system in a ‘time consuming’ process to hopefully reverse that trend, slowly but surely returning the GI tract to a more natural state.
The 5-Rules of the Nzymes Healthy Skin Program
1: Use the Nzymes Products in Your Kit Every Day
Each item in the kit has a purpose and critical function. It is important to remember that this system is first a detoxification program. The pets will generally go through a phase of “Worse before Better” as the dying yeast toxins are being expelled from their bodies. Because of this, we do not recommend starting with all 4 the products on day one. Instead, the products are phased in over a 4 week period. This is recommended so as not to overwhelm the body by doing too much, too quickly. Please refer to a Usage Calculator to determine product amounts to use for your pet.
2: Feed the Right Foods & Avoid Sugar
One of the most important aspects of this program is to feed the proper foods. Many, if not most foods that are on the market today contain problematic ingredients that convert to SUGAR too quickly and feed fungus overgrowth, OR they are laden with preservatives, additives, colorings, by-products, etc. Even so-called “good foods” are often constructed with utilization of overly-starchy carbohydrates, resulting in excess sugar to feed yeast overgrowth. Using the right food cannot be overstated. Please see: Recommended Pet Foods.
3: Bathe Your Pet as Instructed
The Skin is the largest organ of the body and it is a “Filtering Organ”. As yeast toxins die off, they are quite often filtered out at the skin, causing inflammation and itch. As the material lies on the surface, bacteria can multiply, increasing inflammation and irritation. It is Very Important to keep the skin clear. We recommend bathing your pet twice weekly using specially formulated shampoos that help to kill the organisms and to leave the skin clean. Even though our program is primarily aimed internally, in helping to restore a more natural balance to the GI tract, there is also a battle taking place on the surface. Bathing the pet frequently can help increase comfort and boost progress. (see Rule #3 -Bathing instructions in the PDF file)
4: Apply Ox-E Topical 3-4 Times Daily
All Nzymes Healthy Skin Kits now contain a bottle of ready-made 4 oz. bottle of Ox-E Topical 2 % Solution. You can re-make this solution when empty using the Ox-E-Drops Concentrate. Simply add 40-drops of the Ox-E-Drops to 4 oz of Ionized or Distilled water. The Green bottle provides more of a ‘mist’ than a spray. It is important to moisten the symptom areas 3-4 times daily with this solution. You may prefer to WET cotton balls with the solution for wiping some areas, especially around eyes or ears. For that purpose, you could make a separate solution in a non-spray bottle using the same formula – 10-drops per ounce of water. This solution can be used anywhere on the body including the eyes, ears, feet, genital region, as well as all skin symptom areas. The pH of this solution can help promote faster recovery. (see recommendations below)
5: Prevent Damage to the Skin & Body
Dogs can really increase the damage to the surface areas with their nails and/or teeth – even to the point of bleeding. This only serves to make matters worse. To prevent this from happening, it may be necessary to use a cone or inflatable collar to keep them from creating more damage. T-shirts, Onesies, Socks or Booties can also be used to add an extra layer of protection for the skin.
Go To the Printable Program Instructions Booklet
Understanding the Detoxification: **Expect Symptoms to Worsen During the Cleansing Period**
This program is designed to help purge the pets’ body of the internal yeast overgrowth and the build-up of toxins that are generated from the leaky-gut damage. In order to recover, the body MUST go through this detox process, but it TAKES TIME. The cleanse will come in phases and the symptoms may look much worse during the initial cleansing phase (months 1 to 2). This is normal – and it is evidence that the program is proceeding as expected. NOTE: Increased temperatures and summer heat effectively push on the body to release more toxins.
How Long Does the Program Take?
Young pets with a poor digestive foundation and older pets which have been on medications for many years take the longest times to recover. Depending on the amount of damage to the gut that is involved, the full cleanse can take on average 3 to 7 months to work through, but we have seen some of these cases take as long a year to finish the cleansing. During the early stages, the problematic toxins will be exiting the body at a higher rate, which is why the symptoms most often increase (worse before better). You can expect to see this phase for the first few months into the program.
It is very important that you keep your pet on all the items of the kit for at least one full year. Even though many the symptoms subside within a few months, continuing to use the products as instructed will help the body continue through the cleansing phase and strengthen the balance of the GI tract.
After The First Year:
Use a regular daily maintenance program of 3 products called the 3-Pak Kits. They include either the Nzymes Antioxidant Treats or Granules, plus the Ox-E-Drops and Bac-Pak Plus to keep your pet’s immune system strong. Even though the Black-Leaf Tincture is removed from the program at this time, we recommend keeping it on hand in the event there are any future reversals. Yeast is cyclical and may present problems down the road. If this was to occur, return to the full program as before.
Working with Your Vet:
We certainly don’t want you to ignore or overlook any serious illness, fever or infection, so it is best to share this Healthy-Skin Program information with your vet and discuss the options that will let you pet recovery as naturally as possible without further medications. Ask your Vet about avoiding further Antibiotics, Steroids, and Vaccinations (especially rabies) as they can activate a reverse immune response months later and cause the old symptoms to flare-up again. Ask for a Titer Blood Test – to substantiate that Rabies Antibody count is good for more years.
Getting the Deepest Understanding of the Yeast Issue and our Program:
Originally called the ‘Yeast Removal Program‘, we’ve have had this Program in place since 2001. Over this period of time, we have dealt with 10’s of thousands of cases, and compiled mountains of foundational information on the subject. For a comprehensive look at the Yeast Candida problem, how it mimics “Allergies”, and how this Program is implemented in greater detail, please visit the Nzymes® Legacy Yeast Information Page
Products Choices for Using the Nzymes Health-Skin Program
Have Questions about the Healthy Skin Program?
Answers Are Found Here: Nzymes Skin Program FAQ
Skin and other symptoms are LIKELY to worsen in the early weeks of the Program as heavy cleansing and detoxification get underway.
Feel free to CALL for Support during this period while following the Program.
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