Healthy Skin Kit Small


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The Healthy Skin Kit Small is primarily designed for pets under 60 lbs. It carries all of the necessary nutritional components to address systemic yeast overgrowth in pets of all ages. This kit utilizes the Antioxidant Treats as opposed to the Sprouted Granules found in our other kits. The Treats are made from the Granules, and have supporting vitamins, minerals and immune boosters. Not to mention, the Treats are a tasty, convenient way for your pet to get this vital component. For use with our  Healthy-Skin Program 

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Mini-Kit – $133.45      Large Kit – $162.45      Directions for Use

Ox-E-Drops for Pets

This liquid dietary supplement is one source for assisting immune function in the battle against the overgrowth of yeast that must be dealt with.


BlackLeaf Tincture for Pets

This multi-layered "herbal remedy" product is the second form of fungal eradication supplement - to assist in the battle against yeast overgrowth.


Bac-Pak Plus 100 grams

Combination enzyme/good-bacteria supplement to support crowding out yeast & restoring bacterial colonies to rightful control of digestive tract.


Antioxidant Treats Complimentary

This item is included as a Free Bonus - in association with special offers, and can only be provided with a qualified purchase. The Antioxidant Treats provide Powerful, Live-food nutrition, and the Extra Supply can help pets through times of need.


Ox-E Topical Spray Solution 4 oz.

Ox-E Topical is a ready-to-go 2% topical solution of our Ox-E-Drops made with special Ionized water. Perfect for topical applications for skin, ears, eyes and more.


Antioxidant Treats 2-Pak

Because Every Pet Needs Enzymes!

Is your pet slowing down? Are sore hips/joints affecting mobility? Are aging and low energy taking their toll? Is there shedding and poor skin? Are there neurological troubles?
Low Enzyme Levels (LEL) can be at the root of all these issues.

This small, convenience bundle contains 2 bottles of our very popular Antioxidant Treats for Pets.  Each bottle contains the standard 60 chewable Treats per bottle. 2-4 month supply for most pets. Designed to be given as a tasty ‘TREAT’, this “live nutrition” supplement provides your pet with resources the body needs for optimum health, working at the cellular level. Doesn’t your pet deserve to feel better every day? Try the Antioxidant Treats today and see what a difference “live food” nutrition can make for your furry friend.

FREE SHIPPING on orders of 2 or more!

1-Bottle – $24.99   3-pak Kit – $69   6-pak Kit – $126

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The Healthy Skin Kit Small is for use with our Healthy-Skin Program and is a good choice for smaller dogs or pets (less than 60 lbs.) where the preference is either convenience or the desire to offer the pet the chewable Treats on a daily basis.

Nzymes® Healthy Skin Kits - are used to help support your pets' nutritional needs where a significant challenge to immune function is being faced. These Kits have evolved over the years into a special combination of (4) carefully chosen products, each with a specific purpose and procedures related to our Healthy-Skin Program. There any many symptoms, both surface and internal, generated by this Digestive imbalance/health-issue; wherein, Candida Yeast overgrowth has taken control of the gut.


A) The Antioxidant Treats provide the special "live nutrition" which provides resources to the body that help support metabolic processes, including effective immune system activity along with toxin & free-radical removal processes.

B) The Ox-E-Drops and Black-Leaf provide elements to help the body with the task of reversing the gastrointestinal breakdown & imbalance.

C) The Bac-Pak Plus provides resources needed for rebuilding the body's natural Flora and then supporting as well as protecting a proper healthy balance of friendly bacteria within the digestive tract.

Used together, the items of the Healthy Skin Kit Small are to help your pet's body slowly eradicate the overgrowth of internal yeast and begin to restore a healthy balance of the good, intestinal flora. It is important to remember that our Healthy Skin Program is not intended as a "Quick Fix", but rather a pathway to restoring the natural state and balance of the GI tract.

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Additional information

Ox-E-Drops for Pets

Weight.2 lbs

BlackLeaf Tincture for Pets

Weight.3 lbs

Bac-Pak Plus 100 grams

Weight.2812 lbs

Antioxidant Treats Complimentary

Weight.55 lbs

Ox-E Topical Spray Solution 4 oz.

Weight.35 lbs

Antioxidant Treats 2-Pak

Weight1.10 lbs