Oral Growths Support Program for Dogs
Nzymes Support Program for Oral Growth in Dogs
We are asked about Oral Growths in Dogs every week. Our ability to support this challenging problem with nutrition has been very effective. Generally, people are told to wait 3-6 months for it to go away. But, pet owners who seek a straightforward answer for their problem want some help before it can expand or spread. Many people have chosen have them removed them surgically, only to see them return. Choose Reviews or Oral Growth Stories below above for case examples.
This oral health issue manifests itself in ugly, cauliflower-type growths. As a safe, alternative approach to dealing with them, Nzymes® has created a sensible, easy-to-use, and naturally effective program for helping customers to find resolutions and restore oral health for their canine friends. And many Nzymes® customers have taken the trouble to document their success stories while following our “Oral Growth Support Program,” including text and photos which demonstrate successful results in usually about 1-3 weeks. However, each case is different based on the level of immune deficiency within the pet.
The Nzymes® Oral Growth Support Program is backed by our 120-Day Money-Back Guarantee!
Nzymes® Oral Growth Program utilizes the items of our Oral Growth Support Kit.
Oral Growth Support Program Instructions
Follow Carefully for Quickest Results
Order the Oral Health Support Kit Today
Our Oral Growth Support Kit furnishes essential elements which may help clear this unsightly issue for your pet. Also, we’ve included a FREE bottle of our Antioxidant Treats with the purchase of this system to provide an extra nutritional boost to support enhanced immune function. We have also added an Oral Syringe for your convenience, as many pets with this problem can have difficulty eating and might require oral administration of the diluted drops into the diet.
Items Included in the Oral Health Support Kit:
• Ox-E-Drops 2.2oz
• Tincture of Black-Leaf 2.2oz
• Ox-E-Topical Spray Solution 4oz
• Antioxidant Treats, Complimentary
• Oral Syringe – 10cc/ml
Giving Ox-E-Drops Internally to Your Pet
When canine oral growths are present, know that the pet’s immune system is compromised. Therefore, we increase the regular internal use of the Ox-E-Drops from 2 times daily to 3 times daily to further support the pet’s immune system during recovery.
Option 1 – Giving Ox-E-Drops with an Oral Syringe
With oral growths, the syringe method works best to ensure the pet receives the proper amount 3 times daily. For pets under 40 Lbs., use a minimum of 2 drops (3 times daily).
Following the label usage instructions, dispense the correct number of drops (by weight) from the Ox-E-Drops Bottle into the syringe with enough water to dilute it correctly (4-7 ml). Slowly dispense this fluid along the pet’s teeth line or into the corner of the mouth – ensuring the fluid is swallowed as best as possible.
* Avoid squirting down the throat, which may cause choking.
* We also suggest adding 2-4 drops to the water dish each time it’s filled.

Option 2 – Adding to Water Dish 3 Times Daily
Add Ox-E-Drops to the pet’s water dish 3 times daily. However, with oral growth, the syringe method works best to ensure the pet receives the proper amount internally 3 times daily.
NOTE: For pets under 40 Lbs., use a minimum of 2 drops (3 times daily).
Use Ox-E Topical Spray 3 to 4 Times Daily:
The Nzymes Ox-E-Topical is a Ready-Made 2% solution of our Ox-E-Drops with Special Ionized water. Because the 4oz bottle is slender, it is ideal since it can be easily maneuvered in and around the areas of the mouth and face. It produces a fine mist ideal for helping saturate the affected areas with little waste and little bother to the pet. An empty bottle can be refilled using 4 oz. of Distilled water and 40-drops of Ox-E-Drops (directions on label). For more general instructions on how to make this solution, click HERE.
* Apply / Spray Topical Solution to all affected oral areas a 3 to 4 times daily.
* Spray the entire inside of the mouth or anywhere a growth may be visible. Safe to use in or around the eyes.
Adding BlackLeaf Tincture to the Diet:
These drops should also be used 3 times daily. Using the weight chart on the side of the bottle, mix the Black-Leaf Drops with 5 ml of water, and give orally with the provided syringe, as described above. The drops can also be added directly to the food IF using that method, or they can be mixed in with a minor amount of food item for that ‘3rd dose of the day.
Using Nzymes BlackLeaf Topically:
We recommend waiting about 1-Hour after the Topical-Spray application before making the Blackleaf topical application. Saturate a Q-Tip with the Black-Leaf drops and apply directly to the entire surface of all warts. We think allowing the Topical-Spray some time to do its work first MAY increase the overall effectiveness (maybe 1-hour).
Superfood Protein Nutrition to Speed Healthier Recovery
The Nzymes® Antioxidant Treats deliver natural super-food protein nutrition, which the body can utilize to strengthen the body’s metabolic functions. Therefore they may increase the overall immune effectiveness and speed the recovery process during this challenging period. Better metabolic support is a ‘whole body’ event that may support immune health across the spectrum.
This Complimentary Bottle may show its value in myriad ways during this time. It is our #1 product and naturally supports so many other pet health concerns. Our Antioxidant Treats are the critical product people select for natural support with many other issues – especially Joint and muscle health, skin and coat health, digestive health, and neurologic health.
After Recovery Use the Nzymes 3-Pak Kit
After you are finished with this program, we suggest the regular daily use of the products in the Nzymes® 3 PAK KITS!
These 3 powerful products help support a wide variety of your pets’ nutritional needs and may promote a healthier immune system.
Order the Oral Health Support Kit Today
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These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.