Duke’s Oral Health History

Duke had just turned 2 when he began to develop ‘raisin’ size oral growths in and around his mouth. We immediately took him to our Vet, who sent us home with an antibiotic and a future follow-up appointment

Our Vet Suggested Surgery

On our second visit, our Vet told us about a surgical procedure to remove growths.  However, he mentioned the procedure had an extremely high probability of the growths returning. Again, we returned home with antibiotics.

Duke was sad and no longer allowed at daycare for fear of his condition. We also stayed away from the dog beach and the dog park for the same reasons.

Duke with Oral Growth Near Nose

He Scratched and Rubbed at Them Until they Would Bleed.

I can tell this was difficult to watch daily. Duke is a family dog, and he likes to travel. However, we could not fly him out of the country to visit family in Canada, because we needed medical clearance.

At this point, the oral growths looked like figs, not raisins. It is remarkable how fast they grow in only a few weeks.

He began to have difficulty eating and, at times. Duke would try and ‘scratch’ them off. He is a huge dog, so the growths would start to open and bleed.  Not to mention, after coming home and finding blood dripped throughout the house.

Oral Growth Near Nose on Great Dane

We Began Looking for Alternatives

After spending approx $800 on veterinary bills, I began to seek out some alternatives. I learned that this problem is often prone to the Great Dane breed. Searching the internet, I saw the (Nzymes) stories of another Great Dane, Duke and I began communicating with the famous Great Dane Lady on house to use Nzymes Oral Health Program.

Skeptical at First

Frustrated and skeptical, I ordered the recommended and suggested Nzymes® products recommended, including the Ox-E-drops, Black-Leaf and the FREE Antioxidant Treats (predecessor to the current Oral Health Support Kit.


Papilloma Support Kit
Dog with oral mouth growths

Oral Growths Began Falling Off

These products have indeed worked wonders! It took about three weeks, and what was previously close to a ‘golf ball size growth’ unbelievably began to fall off. Within a month, Duke was clear of all oral growths! He was back to traveling to the beach and park.

Duke Says Goofbye to Oral Growths


Five months later, we began to see new growths again. We re-ordered all the same Nzymes Oral Healthy products and were extremely diligent in tending to him. After 2 to 3 weeks, they were gone. I can only tell you so much. Duke’s pictures will speak volumes. Again I just want to THANK YOU for selling a product that has helped Duke and our family so much. We will continue to recommend your NZYMES® products to other families and friends.

Casey / Darcy & Todd Ruhnke / Stewart, FL

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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