Lucy Rose – Recovering from Challenging Itchy Skin Problems
Around July of 2011, I began to notice scabs on Lucy’s head. I didn’t worry too much because she had just turned one-year-old and spent a lot of time trying to break out of the backyard and playing rough with her sister. But this time the scabs did not go away, they actually began to spread all over her body. She began to scratch, bleed, lose her hair and refused to swim in the pool and play with us.
I took her to our vet. He diagnosed her with a staph infection and stated that he had noticed a lot of cases. I accepted that and started giving her her full regimen of antibiotics he prescribed. The sores started to subside but came back quickly the second she was off the medications, along with terrible hair loss. I took her back to the vet 1-month later. A new doctor prescribed Ivermectin for what he thought was sarcoptic mange. I was skeptical because none of us, my family or our other dog, Bailey, had shown any signs of itching or hair loss in Bailey’s case. We completed two rounds of treatment for sarcoptic mange as well as taking more antibiotics because he thought the Staph was aggravated by the Mange.
Nzymes NOTE: It is fairly common for dogs suffering with yeast overgrowth issues, and the skin problems that result, to get a wide variety of diagnosis results – including various forms of Mange, as illustrated in the above paragraph. However, most often the usual diagnosis is ‘allergies’ – with steroids plus antibiotics being prescribed.
I asked about allergies and we were told that she could be allergic to anything but for now, let’s treat what we think is wrong. After the treatments, Lucy again showed improvement, but she was not over it. We were told to give it time she may not get her hair fully back until later in December. We love her anyway with hair or no hair, with sores or no sores. So we accepted the diagnosis and embraced her recovery.
We were also told to give her 2.5 pills of Benadryl once or twice a day based on her condition. We went through a few bottles in just the first three months. It was awful. For the next three months we waited and waited for hair to grow back, we waited for her to stop itching, I threw away all of her dog beds, we started giving her the best food we could find and afford, no more swimming in the chlorinated pool, we attacked her recovery full force. She was not improving like we thought she should. In January I took her back, at this time we were given more antibiotics and told that sometimes Staph takes time. She got better for three weeks, then she got worse AGAIN!
This time I decided to get a second opinion. In February or March of 2012, I took her to a new vet. After explaining the 7-month ordeal we just went through we were prescribed a full round of antibiotics, medicated shampoo, and anti-fungal medication. For another thirty days Lucy improved (symptoms), only to get worse the second she was off the medications. I went back and the same medications and the same shampoo were prescribed. Same story over and over!
Finally, in June 2012, I called the doctor and said I did not want to come back in and I wanted a referral to the animal dermatologist in Dallas. I never heard back from his office. I was very frustrated and exhausted for Lucy. She was battling this thing and I couldn’t help her. So I took this thing into my own hands.
I began researching on the internet and found blogs talking about Nzymes® products and how they can help. I could not find a single negative thing anywhere on the internet. On July 19, 2012, I took the leap (of faith) and ordered the Nzymes® Large Healthy Skin-kit for Lucy Rose. Skeptical and frustrated I started following the instructions as close as I could. I had trouble finding the foods the web site suggested, I also had trouble finding the shampoos locally. So I studied and read the guidelines provided by the site and did my best.
Lucy began to show recovery in Sept. 2012. Everything the Nzymes.COM site says will happen, happens. She did lose more hair, she was still very itchy, and her sores oozed a lot. But now, it is amazing! I can give her a bath and her hair does not fall out at all. She still has sores but they are not nearly as widespread, her neck has stopped oozing and her hair is growing. She, on occasion, breaks the rules like stealing the full loaf of wheat bread and eating while we are at soccer practice, but for the most part, she is doing wonderful and recovering. I just ordered more Black-Leaf Tincture and the Ox-E-Drops. I plan to keep her on the full regiment far past her recovery.
Thank you Nzymes® for helping our sweet Lucy recover. We will keep you posted as she continues her recovery.
Amanda Collins, TX
NOTE: Above paragraphs illustrate what new customers will usually hear from Nzymes staff if ordering a Healthy-Skin Kit over the phone: expect 3-7 months to get a dog through the worst of it, and another 6 months or more to finish the re-balancing of the GUT. Basic Maintenance is highly recommended after that – to continue protecting against repeating these issues, since the gut environment and the bacteria that belong there are so vulnerable.