Answers to Repeating, Yeasty Ear Infections in Dogs

Since Nzymes began operations in 1999, we’ve had thousands of clients contact us regarding chronic ear infections in dogs. It has been our experience that the vast majority of these cases have not been simple issues, and usually, Yeast is involved. Wherein, using methods to resolve the issues at the “surface level” does not result in a permanent resolution. A repeated occurrence is a frequent result, which makes sense because the yeast (candida) is an internal problem (of the gut) and makes its way to the surface of the body after having taken control of the digestive tract.
An offensive, yeasty odor most often accompanies the red, swelling and ‘goopy’ ears. If you’re not seeing symptoms in other areas of the body, like feet, legs, underbelly – just give it enough time, or enough recommended treatments (antibiotics/steroids). This is where things really get complicated, as can be seen by a perfect example: See Savanna, who had ONLY ear infections (yeasty) before such treatments began. The yeast overgrowth that first took over the gut will eventually ravage the body and make itself known by external symptoms within skin and ears. Quite often the ears are first – as was the case with the Savanna story referenced above. We have many stories of dogs that had NO skin or ear issues at all – until after Steroid and antibiotic treatments were begun. The destruction of necessary friendly bacteria is what allows Yeast to take over.
A wide variety of other symptoms can be involved when Yeast is taking over control of the gut. If your dog is dealing with skin or body symptoms in addition to his ear issues – such as itching, hot spots, blackened skin or odor – please visit our symptom checker and our healthy skin page to gain a better understanding of this underlying issue.
It is quite possible that ear infections in dogs may be caused by a bacteria or fungus. These are often identifiable because these infections are localized – confined to the ear area only. These surface issues are usually simple to resolve quickly – and often without the use (or overuse) of antibiotics. We recommend using natural supplements like our Ox-E-Drops in a topical solution to clear up the surface issues and following our Healthy Skin Program in order to approach the problem from within – getting to the root of the reoccurring ear infections.
Too often we see that antibiotics are used as a blanket prescription for any number of issues with our pets – not just the bacterial infections for which they are intended. This overuse of antibiotics (which kill both bad and good bacteria) is a major contributor to the digestive disorder mentioned above.
Ear infections in dogs are often one of the first warning signs that something is off. This imbalance in the gut leads to an overgrowth of yeast and as the yeast grows, it needs to exit the body. Ears and feet are prime targets, as are hair follicles. These will likely be the first symptoms you will notice as your dog begins scratching his ears, biting his paws and generally itching more than usual.
It’s important to note that many of these symptoms appear as allergies – meaning the immune system is over-reacting. Most vets will usually recognize this immune system response, and may even identify the yeast in the ears – but will often not connect these symptoms to the core imbalance in the gut. Common treatments include prescribing antibiotics and/or steroids – both of which only treat the symptoms of the yeast overgrowth. This is why so many of our clients have been back and forth to the vet for the same issue – only to have that same issue return once the treatment is over. It’s a frustrating cycle – and one that stops once the real problem is addressed.