Blue Heeler Beats Itchy Ears and Skin

Blue Heeler Beats Itchy Ears and Skin

Stubb Gets Help for Yeast Problems Blamed on Allergies Around 2 years old, Stubb started having horrible itchy ears. The vet said you need to change his diet, he’s got allergies. So I did this with no results. Then his underbelly started getting black and he...
Gracie, Cavalier KC Spaniel Beats Yeasty Issues

Gracie, Cavalier KC Spaniel Beats Yeasty Issues

Yeasty Skin and Ears Resolved with Nzymes Help Gracie started scratching and chewing at her skin obsessively a few months ago. It got so bad neither of us slept well. Then she developed some ear drainage. I had read that ear infections are often a yeast overgrowth in...
Dog Ear Infections

Dog Ear Infections

Dog Ear Infections, Types/Treatments Most dogs will suffer from an itchy, awful ear infection at least once in their lifetime. As good caretakers of our pets it’s our responsibility to be informed and to know what to look for in order to head off these painful...