Hearing recommendations that your dog needs ‘yeast free’ dog food?

You’ve recently figured out that your dog is battling a yeast infection. You’re learning that diet is a key factor in getting this problem under control.  So, now the hunt begins to find a “yeast free” dog food. Right?


This is misinformation at its finest… It sounds like it makes perfect sense – so someone somewhere put it out there – but the truth is…yeast ingredients are actually NOT a part of the problem. You may find it remarkable that something you’ve read on the internet is not true, but I’m here to break it to you gently… Yeast free dog food will NOT help fix a yeast problem.  At all.

But I won’t just leave you all alone to deal with the shock of this new naked truth… I want to tell you why it’s not true.

Under no circumstances, ever, does yeast feed on yeast. There are over 50,000 known varieties of single-cell yeast fungi out there, and not a single one of those species feeds upon another species. Fact.

If only Robinson Crusoe had found more friends like that…

Anyway, while you don’t need to worry about finding a food without yeast ingredients, you do need to start hunting. Yeast fungus may Not feed on similar fungi, but it’s still a hungry, ugly beast, and it’s your newest job to find and eliminate its source of stubborn sustenance.  That would be Sugar.

Therefore, the very lowest possible starch/carbohydrate diet is at the top-of-list for what your dog needs to get these Yeast (candida) problems under control. What He or She literally needs, as a natural function of the diet, is to starve the yeast overgrowth to death. Anything that the body recognizes as sugar, or converts into sugar, is going to feed the yeast, and help it flourish and grow in the GUT, and subsequently throughout the body.

yeast free dog food

Potatoes, white rice, wheat, corn or cornmeal, crackers, cookies, and pasta are just some of the ingredients that you want to avoid in your dog’s new diet. Look for some protein ingredients like meats and green veggies – these are good helpers and you can supplement the carbohydrate source for brown rice (or something equivalent).

So please – don’t believe the hype about yeast free dog food. A yeast free dog food could actually deprive your dog of the B complex factors, which would be a shame and could potentially harm his health. Your dog is already suffering because he is battling this ugly overgrowth of yeast – we need to starve the yeast – not deprive the dog of the nutrients he needs.

This takes some time and research – here’s a listing of Pet food choices we have researched that can help you get started.


“Yeast Cleansing” Healthy-Skin Kits, For Dogs, Cats, or Other Pets