LILY J. & Her Battle with Bad Hips & Mobility Discomfort
See Lily Moving Freely in 2 Weeks, then Vigorous Activity in 2 Months
How Lily, Our Labrador-Mix Overcomes Her Hip Challenges
December 3, 2012
In just 2 weeks, our Labrador Lily had an amazing rebound from her hip/mobility Limitations. This past February, my otherwise healthy seven-year-old Labrador began showing signs of what I recognized as declining hip-health. We’d always expected she would have hip issues from how she carried herself and sat when she was young. She ran with both back legs together, more like a hop; however, it never slowed her down. The recent issues came on very suddenly. Lily started trekking with her head down and not wanting to go up or down the steps. She could barely make it across the linoleum floor without her legs paddling out from under her.
Labrador Rebounds from Painful Mobility in 2 Weeks

I went online and googled “Hip Dysplasia in Labs” which led me to the site. After reading the stories, I thought I’d give it a try before spending a ton of money at the vet. So finally, we ordered the Antioxidant Treats and doubled the Standard dose for two weeks, as recommended. I was thrilled to see Lily feeling better within the first week.
We take both our dogs for runs out in the desert. I ride a Rhino while Lily stays close to me, and Meg follows her nose. Recently, I had to lift Lily into the back of the 4-wheeler instead of letting her run with her buddy Meg. After a few weeks of the Nzymes® Antioxidant Treats, she was feeling more like her old self and moving much more freely.
In 2 Months, Lily J Was a Different Dog!

After a couple of months of adding Treats to her daily diet, Lily seemed to be in better shape than ever. Seriously, this was a different dog! Now for the first time in her life, we can watch Lily run using her back legs properly. Not all the time but mostly when she slows down to very fast walk. Lily has always been a bit shy around other dogs, causing her to stay close to me.
It never dawned on me that she was insecure, until after she became this new Super Dog. Now she runs way ahead and goes off trail through the brush, which she never did before. She’s always been very energetic, but now with a new found confidence as well. It was great to see my Labrador rebound from hip dysplasia

Now for My Husbands Labrador, Meg to Get Some Help
I told my husband that we should be giving his dog Meg the Treats, as it would help her with her stiffness. But, no, he wasn’t interested. My husband’s dog, Meg, is a black Labrador retriever and, as he always says, a “phenomenal” bird dog. She’s now pushing 11 and really slowing down. This season, when they come home from hunting, Meg was so tired and worn out. Truly, Meg lives for the chase, but now she comes home and passes out. When she gets up, she looks like an old gal with the aches and pains of arthritis.
I finally convinced my husband to please let me start giving her some of Lily’s Nzymes Antioxidant Treats. What a difference it’s made in just a few short weeks. Now, he blames me for not being able to keep up with his dog! Her coat shines like it did when she was younger. I’m so thankful to have come across this wonderful product. Both of our dogs have been given a new lease on life! Thank you so much for this amazing product. I highly recommend it to all my friends.
Peggy J.
Winnemucca, NV