With So Many Choices, Why Nzymes?
Coming fresh off the heels of the 2016 Super Zoo convention in Las Vegas, I was left with some thoughts and observations. Events like Super-Zoo can easily send an attendee into sensory overload!
There were acres upon acres of every kind of pet related item known to man, and even a few that were being introduced to the market for the first time. Attendees come from all over the country and around the world to see what’s new in the world of pet supplies and products. It was wonderful to meet and speak with so many different people. Now to level with you, I would not consider myself a “Sales” person, so working a trade show is not exactly my forte. I am much more comfortable simply speaking with people, sorting out their issues, and making recommendations based on our conversation. Nevertheless, our mission was to engage with passersby and introduce them to Nzymes.
To get started, I would ask if someone was already familiar with Nzymes. If they weren’t, I would explain in very simple terms the following:
“…We don’t have a LARGE line of products. In fact, we have only 4 primary types of products, available in differing sizes. It just so happens that these 4 items do so much to cover the bases regarding pet health.”
You know, that statement really sums it up in a nutshell. If you are visiting our site for the first time today, I’d like to thank you for stopping by. I would also like to use the explanation I gave at the show, as a way of introducing you to the Nzymes product line. Here is an outline of the 4 primary areas of pet health that the Nzymes Line touches upon.
Antioxidant Support
Nzymes Antioxidants are the key to our full line. The Antioxidants are Foundational, meaning that they are the starting point of improved health. These products include the Sprouted Granules or the Antioxidant Treats for Pets. The Granules are the raw, base ingredient of our sprouted formula sold in bulk form. The Treats are made FROM the Granules and include Rice Bran, Vitamins A, C, E and Selenium for support. Beef liver is added to make them tasty. Whichever you choose, these items are providing “live-food” nutrition into your pet’s diet. It is the “live-food” that provides your pet with the resources his body needs to manufacture antioxidant enzymes in great abundance. It is amazing what a body can do when you give it the right “tools” to work with! These enzymes work at the cellular level, flushing out toxic build-up and enhancing cellular health. When this happens, the cells become more healthy and vibrant, bringing about changes that you can see with your own eyes. The benefits are numerous, but generally, we see improvements in
Microbial Control
Nzymes Ox-E-Drops are a safe and stable compound of Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) at 5% strength. Ox-E-Drops carries a pH of 13-14, so they are very alkaline. The Drops can be administered via an oral syringe or added to a teaspoon of water, then placed into your pet’s food. Additional drops can be put in your pet’s water dish.
Ox-E-Drops are amazing and may be our most versatile product. Once they are ingested, the alkalinity of the drops interacts with stomach acids, releasing chlorite ions as a result of the reaction. These ions interrupt the mechanisms of a particular enzyme found in harmful organisms, fungi, and virus. The drops also help to elevate the pH of the body, making it a less hospitable place for sickness and disease to thrive. When threatened by a respiratory issue, the drops can be vaporized, so that the mist can be delivered directly to the area in need. They can also be diluted into a topical solution to be used on surface areas, eyes, and ears.
Digestive Support
Nzymes Bac-Pak Plus is a product combining Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics. Bac-Pak comes as a fine powder and is microencapsulated, meaning that this product is protected from heat and stomach acids, delivering more beneficial agents to the upper and lower GI tract. As such, it provides powerful help for your pet’s digestive process. Bac-Pak is an integral part of our Yeast/Candida program since it provides billions of beneficial bacterial organisms to help rebalance a gut compromised by yeast overgrowth. Many Raw feeders love Bac-Pak Plus because it is both efficient and cost-effective. One such feeder is an internet sensation known lovingly as the “Menu from Mars” guy (see 27:20). Bac-Pak is now available in 3 convenient sizes. So whether your pets are small, medium, large or multiple – there is a Bac-Pak Plus that is perfect for your family.
Immune Support 
Certainly, any of the Nzymes products could fall into this category, since they all play a helpful role with bodily functions. Nzymes Tincture of Black Leaf in a class by itself. It is a combination of Olive Leaf, Black Walnut, and Cayenne Pepper. Each of these substances has its own benefits but used in combination, they pack a wallop. Black Leaf is an integral part of our programs for Yeast and COPV, but it also has benefits for circulation and for Worm issues.
So Why Nzymes? Because We Keep it Simple!
Our mission is to help you find solid answers for your pet’s nutritional needs. Many times, the answer may be easier than you think. With Nzymes, giving the body tools to work with is really the key to resolving so many of the common issues faced by pets. We are very confident in our product line, and in the programs that are set up for using them. We are truly grateful for the 1000’s of friendly customers that we’ve gotten to know over the years and are glad for the new ones we meet each and every day. Our pledge to you is to keep our recommendations as simple as possible, and to only introduce new products that have a genuine purpose, and are worthy of our name.
Nzymes.com, Natural Products, Real Results.