NONI, Survives a ‘Puppy Mill’ Start, then Trouble with Seizures

Breed: Silky Terrier Age: 13+. Health History: Puppy Mill Survivor, Paralysis, Seizures
Noni was a Puppy-Mill Survivor

I have been using Nzymes® products for over three years now for one of my other pet’s who had severe leaky gut issues. I continue to use Nzymes® for good health and general maintenance for her. She has had many health issues, as she was rescued at 9+ from a puppy mill raid. She was paralyzed many years ago. Following the raid, she began to have seizures, but not bad enough to put her on medication. However, they still reoccurred still, one or so every few months.
Natural support for seizure condition
About eight months ago, I started to put the Nzymes® Ox-E-Drops into her food as she already got the Nzymes® Sprouted Granules every day, and we noticed that the seizures had stopped. I had mentioned this to my husband two months ago and he said: “talk to me in a few more months!” I mentioned it again to him the other day.
N. Rubin – CA
Nzymes Footnote: Many a puppy mill survivor struggles with health issues due to an abusive or neglectful past. Lots of love, TLC, good food and the right supplements can provide the missing pieces to help them live a “happy ever after”, like Noni.