This Year’s Winners!

1st Place – Ginger

2nd Place – Bella

3rd Place – Beau
The Contestants

Colt – was diagnosed with hip dysplasia in both hips at the age of 1 years old. I tried different supplements without any change. Then a friend told me about Nzymes. After a couple of weeks I stated noticing Colt was more agile while playing. What really sold me was Colt and I were playing and he was excited and jumped up on me. He never jumped up. The next significant Milestone was while getting in the car Colt usually will put his front paws on the back of my SUV and I would have to lift his back end up. I open the back of my car and let my dogs out to get in the car, instead of Colt’s usual behavior he ran out with the other dogs and jumped right into the car without a wince or any pain. Now he gets in all the time without my help. I am a Dog Trainer by trade and I recommend Nzymes to all my clients. Great product. Thanks for helping my boy.
V. Masi. Indio, CA

Rocko – has been a energetic pup all his life. It wasn’t until last year he started having mobility issues with his hips. He also had low energy. I saw Nzymes and had to try it with all the awesome feed back! Now he has more energy and is happier and his hips feel great!
Ashley B. Klamath Falls, OR.

Rosie – was a rescue dog therefore she had to be spayed at a young age contributing to a majority of auto-immune health problems. Nyzmes really helped her a lot and as you can see she is pretty “healthy“.
Sheilah C. Pineville, LA

Mr. Magnus – thrives on his Nzymes. Gut issues, allergies, skin issues, and arthritis are all common with Great Danes. Magnus has experienced most. With Nzymes in his daily routine he has become a very happy Great Dane. His skin and coat are the healthiest I’ve seen. His stomach issues have ceased – he is very regular and seldom has a stomach upset. At 206 pounds, it is important to me that his bones and joints are healthy and we keep arthritis at bay. Nzymes has improved his mobility and keeps him acting like a puppy. Words cannot explain how wonderful it is to give your dog natural products that work! Natural products!! I can’t share this information enough with my fellow dog owners, and I thank Nzymes for the excellent health of my extra large baby boy!
Bridget P. Green Bay, WI

We have 3 Huskies, Autumn, Aspen and Jenna. And anyone who has Huskies knows they all have very delicate stomachs. So everyday they get prebiotics and antioxidants. HAPPY DOGS!!
Danielle D. Fair Lawn, NJ.

Tootsie – We started both our senior Labs on the Granules about 4 months ago to help with their ears and arthritis. Since using Nzymes Tootsie is feeling fantastic and her urine is no longer burning the lawn!
Dina W. Ventura, CA

Clementine – loves her Nzymes Antioxidant Treats! She has them every day to help with tic from brain damage from a reaction to antibiotics. They are helping her heal her brain. We are so grateful for your product! Thank you!
Lindsey H. Los Angeles, CA

Tinkerbell – We love Nzymes. It extend my dogs live i believe in exercise and good nutrition along with supplements. Supplements help add missing nutrients to their diet which is key to a healthy lifestyle. Nzymes is safe for their tummy and all my furry family loves them.
Megan M. Milwaukee, WI

Cotely – Hello Nzymes! Welcome Summer Time! Why we are N-Luv with Nzymes products!?
Because I finally found supplements that actually makes an awesome improvement to my baby doggie!
For more than 2 years my baby has a health problem. He actually has several seizure attack and I was looking for the best supplement to support his very crucial situation. Then I found this amazing products. I’m really impressed! Happy because after a couple of months he’s been taking this Supplements I noticed a difference in him. Has a complete Vitamins he need plus amino acids that promotes a healthy digestive
tract with probiotics! He really like the flavor. I love my baby. I want the best for him! I’m so proud and happy and satisfied!
Thank you so much Nzymes! Well by the way! I’m proud to say he is the winner of Summer Photo Contest last year!😊🐶
Thank You. ♥️💯♥️ Melanie Boja – The Philippines

This is our girl Hana. For 12 years she has not only been a delight, she has also been strong and healthy. This Spring when the virus broke out, we believe that we had some tainted food shipped to us. She became very ill and started throwing up and having seizures. We believed it to be Organophosphate Poisoning. The Antioxidant Tablets started helping immediately. She then went a week without a seizure. Then she went a couple weeks without a seizure. She eventually stopped throwing up and now her appetite is almost back to normal. The Vets took tests and didn’t have a clue. Had we stayed with their non diagnosis, we are certain that our girl would not have survived. She was losing weight at an alarming rate!
We are and always will be thankful to Nzymes, not just for their products but also for their continued help on the phone. Our baby is back! Thank you! Jason Purcell, Chicago, IL

This is our boy Floki. He spent an estimated 12 years in a cage at a Puppy Mill as a breeder. He was starving and had been abused in ways that you can not imagine.We have had some nice success with his health by feeding him a raw diet and avoiding any of the pharmaceuticals that the Vets were suggesting. He has been with us for three years now. At 15 years old he has been slowing down some. We started giving him the Antioxidant Tablets when our other dog Hana became ill. Not only did she recover, he started having more energy and is more alert. We want as many happy years for him as we can provide. Nzymes, we believe, will help add quality years to his life.
We are forever thankful to you! – Jason Purcell, Chicago, IL

We started Bella on Nzymes a number of years ago because she had dark spots on her tummy, ear infections and was always scratching. We started her with the Granules and then added all the other products while changing her food. She has been doing really great and I will not stop giving her Nzymes. Thank you so much!!!
Cheryl P. Honolulu, HI

This is 3 year old “Gracie” who loves to take her Nzymes treat!!
Barbara G. Belvidere, IL.

This is my 13 1/2 year old senior gal named “LaLa” who cannot see well anymore but sure can smell her Nzymes Treat!!
Barbara G.

Toby – is eleven years young and is my service dog. Toby loves everyone, the picture is of my daughter and Toby on her wedding day, she was terrified, Toby was there for her, Toby was also the ring bearer.
My sweet boy was diagnosed with lung cancer back in February and along with Nzymes takes CBD and is doing great!
Toby still likes his morning walks and has a good appetite and is still my service dog, Toby does not want to retire.
Team Ellen and Toby, Denver, CO

Yarrow – First the prayer. Please God, help me find a natural treatment for Yarrow to help with her dysplasia.
I swear, Nzymes was the first item presented by Google.
I called immediately, had my questions answered. We never looked back. She is on the Granules and antioxidants.
Read Yarrow’s full story HERE
Christine S. Goldsboro, NC

Benny & Daisy – I first learned of Nzymes because of my dog Mario that I had for almost 15 years. He came to me with hot spots, no hair on his belly, itchy, etc… My cousin told me about Nzymes and we couldn’t believe the difference. After Mario passed I started my new puppy Benny on Nzymes products; the Granules, Ox-E Drops, Bac-Pak etc.. My best friend Liz has had her dog Daisy for 8 years, she was suffering with the same symptoms because of yeast and a grain diet. After telling Liz about Mario, she called Nzymes and ordered the kit. Daisy is feeling so much better. Her fur along her neck and belly is returning, her odor is gone she is using the shampoo, eating a better diet and the Ox-E-Drops and Bac-Pak. It is an amazing difference. I tell everyone about my experience . Benny and Daisy are best friends even though Benny is 8 months and Daisy is 8 years old. They love each other and Daisy is so much more comfortable now. Liz is now a believer! – Judi L. Braintree, MA

Sam – My name is Sam I love going on walks and when my mom and dad have to travel I go to a great dog daycare and boarding sometimes I don’t want to leave I also love car rides and I visit elderly people, I have one special lady I see a lot she has Alzheimer’s she gives me lots of hugs and kisses for some reason she always knows me and I love her so much other than that I’m just a lazy little guy after my visits I sleep a lot.
Denise W. Ontario, Canada

My name is Miss Thelma Louise. I’m a 5 1/2 month old English Bulldog puppy from Ohio. Our mom said she loves Nzymes partly because it’s Made In The USA. We are also N-Luv with Nzymes products because they help make sure we we have a healthy digestive and immune system and give me a super food protein. All these things are good for me to have healthy skin and coat. And when me and my sister aren’t thinking about food and healthy things like Nzymes we enjoy playing outside, drinking from the fountain , and watching and sometimes chasing squirrels up our favorite tree. – Tammy T. Deshler, OH

Hi my name is Miss Hazel Marie . I’m a 5 1/2 month old English Bulldog puppy from Ohio. My mom gives me and my sister Thelma Louise Nzymes Granules and and Nzymes Bac-Pak Plus because it’s not only good for our tummy’s skin and coat it’s Made in the USA . We are N Luv with Nzymes products.And when I’m not thinking about food, treats, and ways to stay healthy I enjoy smelling the flowers outside and sitting with my sister by our favorite tree hoping to see a Squirrel or two or maybe a bird . Sometimes we see butterfly’s or even try to catch a fly ( flying raisin ).
Tammy T. Desler, OH

Snow – was attacked by another dog leaving her with a broken spine and pelvis. I knew she wasn’t ready for rainbow bridge so I promised to take care of her every need. She went through 8 weeks of PEMF PULSE therapy, water therapy and daily range of motion of her back legs. The vet was surprised that she’s been able to stand on her own and actually still have nerves and movement in her back end! When her injury first happened I did so much research on supplements that would help her and I kept seeing articles on the Antioxidant Treats from Nzymes so I gave them a try and her mobility has improved so very much! I love these treats for her and will continue to purchase them! They have also helped our 17 year old dog with movement as well!
Missy M. Carlsbad, TX

Hajji-Baba & Jadie – The first pic was taken during a summer hike in the Sierra near Marlette Lake/Lake Tahoe. The dogs romped through the fields of flowers and had a great time. The second and third pics were taken in the winter. Malamutes do love the snow!
Steve Taylor, Minden, NV

Yuki – She loves Nzymes Antioxidant Treats. She needs a heart pill which I give her and then she insists on getting the Nzymes Antioxidant Treat. She is also a cancer survivor and the Nzymes Antioxidant Treats helped her through that. She’s definitely a trooper! Not to mention all the skin issues after the cancer treatment. We used several other Nzymes products for that. Her internist says she’s an incredibly strong dog with all she’s been through, with just bad skin. But we keep trying and she’s hanging in there!! – Maxine C. Los Angeles, CA

Deisel – Loves it Outside, He’s really Doing really well on The Well On The Products from Nzymes. Kevin S. Erie, PA

Tommy – My 150 pound Great Dane loves to sit on you he has no idea of his size and he loves the recliner to sit on you.
Doreen B. Nuevo, CA

Doofus – In April we figured out he had yeast. Ordered a package online and received it in the mail the next morning. With in a few weeks we noticed a huge difference. We will keep using your products from now on, they are great. Thank you so much. – Shandel S. Laughlin, NV

Ginger – “Ginny” turned 10 years old this past April. I adopted as a puppy from the local shelter. Within her first year she was diagnosed with Valley Fever and was put on medication. Within the same year she continued to limp and had a hard time using her hind legs. I thought this was due to the fact of valley fever. However after further testing it turned out she needed a TPLO surgery….on both legs! One surgery was done and within 6 months after, her next surgery was performed. Ginny went through a lot during her first couple years. I was told she would have arthritis as she aged. She has been taking Nzymes daily and you wouldn’t know she was 10 by seeing her run, jump and sit in her own chair in the garden to watch the sun rise every morning. She still feels like a pup…thanks Nzymes! – Nancy C. Marana, AZ

Hazel May – We just got this sweet girl a couple months ago. She has been scratching and itching from the first day. We have had her to the Vet twice and still no help. After much research I found the Nzymes website and so happy I did! I just placed the order a couple days ago and can’t wait to get her started. Kara has been great at answering my questions. Cant wait to get her started on the path to recovery! – Tracy B. Jefferson City, MO

Mr. Tom Cat – (aka “Tommy“) was a stray when I first met him. He was under a van in my carport, next to another feral cat that I’d been feeding. He was in wonderful shape; and, I suspect he got left behind when someone moved. He quickly became a member of the family. He’s rare in that he’s polydactyl on all four feet. And, he’s quite large, weighing 16 lbs. His whiskers are 4” long. He gets along well with my other 2 cats and three small dogs, the largest of which is also 16 lbs. As you can see, he’s one happy cat. – John B. San Antonio, TX

My name is Chance and I am 8! Back in May I had a big problem with arthritis and hip dysplasia. My vet said we could try anything it wouldn’t hurt. My life was not too great feeling good and nor was my outlook.
I get the occasional twinge every now and then like most geriatrics but thanks to my Mom finding Nzymes on line my world has changed! It is now August and I am feeling much better and don’t have near as much pain. Nzymes makes me want to play and I feel young again! D. Gumbert, Flower Mound, TX.

Charlee – The most lovable dog I’ve ever had. There isn’t anything or anyone that Charlee doesn’t love. She has been with me since 10 weeks old. She lives with two kitties whom she adores and a Yorkshire terrier who is 10 yrs old. Without a doubt the luv of my life. 💞 – Kathy K. Bluffton, SC

Beau – We started using Nzymes Healthy Skin kit when we got Beau. He had skin allergies and the vet wanted to put him on more Prednisone. That is when we went online to check for other alternative treatments. We found Nzymes and have been using it ever since! It works! Beau is now 11 years old and is still in great shape! He loves his toys! Here he is with his ball, Nzymes Granules, smiling for the camera next to his “Beau” Welcome flag. – Gena L. Santa Maria, CA

As you can see Mr Orange is pretty addicted to cat treats. He even gets on the counter when he hears the bottle rattle. Whenever possible I substitute an Nyzmes Antioxidant Treat for the less healthy cat treats. I notice his digestion is much smoother and he seems to act less hungry. Joanne W. Gold Canyon, AZ

Remi – has been on the Nyzmes for at least 2-3 months. I started him on it due to severe environmental allergies with a possible chicken allergy. Going outside for for 15-30 minutes for him he was miserable: breaking out in a rash on the underbelly, running eyes and sneezing. I pretty much had him on Apoquel and Zyrtec round the clock, yet he only found relief once in awhile. I decided that meds weren’t the answer, but I really couldn’t afford allergy testing. He even had an allergy shot that didn’t even work for him. So I did some research and found and decided to give it a try. I’m beyond amazed. By day 3, his rashes disappeared, his eye sore better. Symptoms did come back when we were visiting friends. I’m assuming they had chemicals on their grass but they didn’t stay as long as they had in the past. Remi hated to see me coming with a surgical suit to cover the area up to stop his licking making it raw from licking. He ran and hid when he saw the balm or sprays
I had to use. Now when he see the Nzymes going into his food he runs to eat. Occasionally he still get gets red eyes when it rains but no more rashes from being in the yard, even after it rains. He doesn’t run from me anymore. I know we have more time for him to be on the program to have total relief. The interesting part of it all is I asked our vet if she tough all of this could be yeast related and asked what
she thought about this program. She said she hadn’t heard of it. Yet I still tried it and IT WORKS! And guess what, he can actually eat chicken now that he is on this wonderful program. Thank You Nyzmes for giving me and my Remi relief. – Lori M. Jacksonville, FL

Wendy, Dolly & Princess – Wendy is a small dog who had a accident years ago and was Paralyzed the doctor told me to put her down but god is good and I found the Nzymes and she started walking and she’s been using the products since :). Dolly is a small dog that uses Nzymes for her joints and it helps her whole body and I am happy if she’s happy. And Princess is a older dog that was rescued from a bad owner I have been giving this product to her for her health and I am so excited to see her look happier and healthier. – Stephanie B Ramos, Las Vegas, NV