Horse Joint Calcification with Limping

I thought some readers could benefit from my story of my horse with joint calcification. In August, I purchased a horse named Dreamer. Approximately one month later, I noticed that he had developed a limp. I did not think much about it because it was not very serious and was not affecting his performance while being trained for barrel racing.
However, the following February, I observed it being noticeably worse as he was beginning to favor his right front foot. By the end of February, I had to stop riding Dreamer due to him limping so badly.
In early March, he saw our veterinarian to determine the exact nature of his injury. The veterinarian took x-rays of Dreamer’s front right foot. These x-rays showed he had developed a calcium deposit in his front right pastern. The deposit was positioned very close to the deep digital flexor tendon.
The Vet Offered Us Some Concerning Options
The vet was concerned that if it increased in size, the deposit could possibly sever this tendon. This would occur due to the pressure and stress on his foot from from barrel racing competitions. His prognosis; if I wanted to continue to run barrels with Dreamer, then I had 3 options. First, to “de-nerve” the back of Dreamer’s foot. Second administer steroid injections, and lastly to put wedged shoes on both Dreamer’s front feet. I did not feel comfortable with the first two options, but I felt that putting the wedged shoes on him might be helpful.
Help Came from My Sister’s Dog
As I was reviewing what to do, I remembered a product called Nzymes Sprouted Granules that my sister was feeding to her dog. When she first started using them, she suggested that I ought to use them with my horse Dreamer. At that time I did not think much about it, but now I began wondering if this product could, in fact, help this horse with joint calcification.
The Recovery was Quick
By mid-March, I started giving Dreamer the Nzymes Sprouted Granules. Within a few short days, I started seeing results. He was putting more pressure on his foot while standing. Within a couple of weeks, I started working him lightly in the round pen. After about a month of him being on the granules, I was riding him again!
3 Months Later
By June, Dreamer was truly doing so much better. So, I decided to return to the vet to see if the calcium deposit had gotten any bigger. However, the new x-rays showed that it had not!
By the end of June, Dreamer was looking so much better! I decided to resume his barrel racing training. And Praise God, he did great! He never limped, and within a few months, I was running him through the pattern (something I thought was impossible!). In September, we went to our first barrel racing competition, and he did wonderfully.
Back to Barrel Racing
In December, I took him back to the vet to get his foot X-rayed again. I wanted to make sure that the deposit had not grown. And, in order to compete, I wanted to be sure there was no danger to Dreamer’s health.
The results were the calcium deposit had gotten smaller! I am so amazed how God had answered prayer, to help my horse, and thus give him a future of running barrels. A dream I have always had. At this time, Dreamer is doing great, loving his Nzymes Sprouted Granules and enjoying running barrels again!!
All glory be to God!!
Aubree Allen, Aledo, TX