Harley’s Issues: Pano, Growing Pains, Dull Coat

Thank you, thank you, and thank you. Well, it’s been 8 days since I have been giving my boy, Harley, the double dose of Nzymes® Antioxidant Treats and he is doing really well.
I found Linda Arndt (GreatDaneLady.com) while searching on the Internet for help with my Great Dane and she suggested your Nzymes® as part of an overall nutritional program for Harley’s PANO, which included yogurt and vitamin ‘C’ and a change to a better quality dog food. Prior to this, we were feeding Harley Purina Puppy chow and another generic dog food in a 50/50 mixture. (Linda said this was a NO-NO – especially for large breeds).
The attached photo of Harley was taken at 4 months old. At this point his coat was beautiful and he seemed very healthy and energetic.
He started showing the signs of PANO (growing pains) at 8 months old. He would cry-out and whimper at night from pain. He limped and would hardly move around except to go out to do his business. The PANO had gotten so bad that he could hardly stand. In fact, he had not used his one back leg and walked 3 legged for so long that it had become atrophied to about 3/4 the size of the other leg. Besides all the discomfort Harley was experiencing, his coat, which should be a nice black and white, had turned to a dull grayish-brown. Every time you touched him, you would get a handful of hair.
Well, now let me tell you, he has come back; He now uses his hind leg and is getting the muscle tone back. He is happy and on his way to being the healthy dog that was always pestering me to throw a ball for him or wanting out to play with our other dog (lab). His coat has started to come back to a nice black shiny color and he no longer sheds when you pet him. I know if I hadn’t found Linda Arndt and followed her instructions that Harley would still be one really sick puppy. Again, thank you.
Judi Hunter
Middleport – OH

Products Recommended for Dogs with Pano Symptoms
Sprouted Granules for Large Breeds (or economy); Antioxidant Treats for Convenience