Dr. K. Kenyon DVM on Histiocytoma Skin Tumor Results

histiocytoma example in dog

Vet Observation using Nzymes for Histiocytoma

This Fresno, Calif Vet has used Nzymes® products in her practice for several years. Some years back she provided her comments – in the Video format – on various health challenges seen in her practice. In this case she is referencing a case of a German Shepherd with this Histiocytoma skin tumor on the dog’s lip. This type of tumor is fairly common in younger dogs, we are told. An example is seen with the inset picture here. Both Antioxidant Treats and Ox-E-Drops (in 2% diluted solution) were used. The Treats supply nutritional support for immune function, while the solution is used topically.

For another great “using Nzymes” Review from Dr. Kenyon, see:  Dealing with a Brown Recluse spider bite on a dog CLICK HERE.


VIDEO Presentation:

Dr. Kenyon discusses Nzymes vs. Histiocytoma type skin tumor:

Products Used in This Example & Recommended for Related Issues

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