Nzymes Nutritional Support is Key in Dog Paralysis Recovery
Though it may have been a slower process than usual, this especially cute Corgi, Chessey, is able to walk and run after the necessary recovery time from the Paralysis challenges he faced from apparent ‘bulging disc’ issues. The owner, Ms. Ivy Johnson of Washington, did some initial video pieces but then discontinued while the initial months of Recovery were passing, and pretty much put that out of her mind – until speaking with us many, many months later; at which time she agreed to finish the video.
Chessey’s video is below. However, this may be a good place to discuss a related matter, about ‘other’ stories involving paralysis challenges. We’re referencing Bella’s Recovery story, on another page; wherein, Bella’s owner, Brenda Johnson, of Winnipeg Canada, decided to become a dealer for Nzymes® – after seeing the effects of Nzymes® products with her dog, her son, her husband, and herself. For several years now, she has been our most enthusiastic dealer in the world – based on all the enormous success she is having with her clientele. The point to this conversation: Brenda has become very well known in her area as the “Lady helping save dogs from Paralysis”. As of Feb. 2016, she is known to have been directly involved in at least 30 cases of saving dogs from an existence limited by Paralysis. She has been on Canadian TV twice related to the notoriety attached to this status. You can Review her FIRST TV APPEARANCE HERE. Notice the Nzymes LOGO on her shirt; her entire family wears such attire, which was completely her idea and doing.
Products Used to Help Chessey with Paralysis Recovery & Stability
Treats were used in Beginning weeks and Sprouted Granules long term.