Dachshund Overcoming Kennel Cough

dachshund recovers from kennel cough

We got a new puppy, “Rosie”, that had some respiratory problems and was on several different types of antibiotics and I was very worried none of them were working on her.

Previously, I had a 13-year-old Dachshund, “Chloe”,  who was on your Healthy-Skin Program for Yeast Overgrowth.  She recently passed away, but I kept all the Nzymes® stuff.

So, I went to the Nzymes.COM website and I read a few articles about Kennel Cough and Pneumonia and how Nzymes® products can help.  I had nothing to lose at this point

I am very happy to report that Rosie’s cough has decreased by almost 90% with NO medication other than the all-natural Nzymes® Ox-E-Drops in her food and water.  I am also giving her some Greek yogurt to help clean out all the residual effects of the antibiotics she has been on.

Rosie is a 6-month-old puppy full of energy and now a cough does not hold her back!  Thank you Nzymes®.  I gave the info to my vet and he had heard about the product.  I just wish more vets would exercise the choice to try a healthier alternative to medication.  Especially ones that work!

L. Piekos, IL

Check out our Healthy-Respiratory Program; Or Review this Video to See How Easy it Is


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