Horse Sprains and Strains – What to Know

Horse Sprains and Strains – What to Know

Symptoms of Horse Sprains and Strains With horses, the difference between a sprain and a strain is that a sprain is an injury to the ligaments in a joint.  A strain is an injury to a muscle or to the tendon of the muscle around the joint. Both forms of injuries can be...
Navicular Problems in Horses

Navicular Problems in Horses

A Look at Navicular Problems in Horses   What Can Be Done To begin with, Navicular problems in horses are the most common cause of lameness. However, In addition, the navicular bone plays a significant role in the overall health of the hoof and the whole horse?...
Hock and Stifle Problems in Horses

Hock and Stifle Problems in Horses

Natural Support for Hock & Stifle Problems in Horses Hock and Stifle problems in horses, revolve around the central lower and upper rear-leg joints. They bear, not only a majority of horse and rider weight, but they are subject to the brunt of all the abuse that...
Lameness in Horses

Lameness in Horses

Three Most Common Causes for Lameness in Horses: To begin with, there are many possible causes for lameness in horses (see below). Nevertheless, the most frequent or common factors resulting in lameness in horses are provided in the links below.  However, no matter...
Horse Arthritis and Joint Pain

Horse Arthritis and Joint Pain

Natural Support for Horse Arthritis and Joint Pain If you seek a “better quality of life” for a horse you have come to the right place. Especially if you need support for horse arthritis and joint pain.  As a starting point, you want something simple, natural and that...