Stress Does NOT do a Body Good
The Effects of Stress plays havoc with our immune systems. Studies have shown that people under chronic stress have lower than normal white blood cell counts, are more vulnerable to colds and other viruses, take longer to recover from them and experience worse symptoms than people who do not have high-stress levels. For a more in-depth look at the effects of stress on our immune system, click HERE.
Symptoms of Stress
The increased tension from stress can cause headaches, joint pain, back pain, muscle aches and teeth grinding, which in itself can lead to headaches and Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) pain.
The physical effects of stress can also rebound to impact mental well-being. Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause have been reported to worsen with stress.
Other common problems resulting from chronic stress are insomnia, fatigue, and memory loss. If a person is constantly worried and unable to sleep, it can lead to a vicious cycle. Insomnia from stress causes yet more stress because you’re now also worried about not getting enough sleep. Trying harder to fall asleep in turn causes even more stress.
The digestive system is also commonly affected by chronic stress. Stress-related symptoms may include heartburn, stomach cramps, nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Loss of appetite can also sometimes be a result of stress for a woman. Others might eat more when stressed, and gain weight.
So, how can you tell is a physical problem is caused by stress? Everybody is different in the way they respond to stress. If you suffer from an ailment that might be stress-related, ask your doctor to diagnose the problem. It’s important to make sure your symptoms aren’t caused by a more obvious trigger, such as a headache or a cough caused by a cold. Once other causes are ruled out, you can focus on your symptoms and the best strategy for stress relief.
Cortisol Levels
Unlike our ancestors, we live with constant stress. Instead of occasional, acute demands followed by rest, we’re constantly overworked, under-nourished, exposed to environmental toxins, worrying about others — with no let-up.
Every challenge to the mind and body creates a demand on the adrenal glands. And the list of challenges is endless: lack of sleep, a demanding boss, the threat of losing your job, financial pressures, personality conflicts, yo-yo dieting, relationship turmoil, death or illness of a loved one, skipping meals, reliance on stimulants like caffeine and carbs, digestive problems, over-exercise, illness or infection, unresolved emotional issues from our past or present and more. The result is adrenal glands that are constantly on high alert.
The destructive effect of high cortisol levels
What is cortisol? In its normal function, cortisol helps us meet these challenges by converting proteins into energy, releasing glycogen and counteracting inflammation. For a short time, that’s okay. But at sustained high levels, cortisol gradually tears your body down.
Sustained high cortisol levels destroy healthy muscle and bone, slow down healing and normal cell regeneration, co-opt biochemicals needed to make other vital hormones, impair digestion, metabolism and mental function, interfere with healthy endocrine function; and weaken your immune system.
Adrenal fatigue may be a factor in many related conditions, including fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, premature menopause and others. It may also produce a host of other unpleasant symptoms, from acne to hair loss. (Please click the Link to see a list of adrenal fatigue symptoms and related conditions.)
Antioxidant Enzymes and Stress
Our bodies are wonderfully made. They have built-in defenses to help “right” what’s going wrong. One of the key defense mechanisms is the production of Antioxidant Enzymes. Our bodies produce them to help undo the damage caused to
our cells by Oxidative stress.
Stress takes a toll on us by increasing Oxidative damage to our cells. To combat this, our bodies produce enzymes like Super-Oxide Dismutase, Catalase, Glutathione Peroxidase and others. The key to this helpful production of enzymes is found in our diet, and THIS is where the trouble lies. The average diet of cooked and processed foods leaves us with insufficient resources to meet the demands our bodies require due to stress.
Thankfully, there is an easy answer to this dilemma. Nzymes® Antioxidant Complex for People provides the “live-food” resources our bodies require, but often miss. They also contain key vitamins and minerals to help round off the support. Antioxidant Enzymes are foundational to cellular health. The cells are the building blocks of our bodies. When the cells are healthy and functioning properly, better health naturally follows. Here are some other suggestions to help “undo” the effects of Stress
- Eat more fresh fruits and veggies (Grandma knew all along)
- Drink plenty of fresh water (That’s not too hard to do)
- Get out and walk more (The dog will love it)
- Maintain a healthy sex life (The release of endorphins ease pain naturally)
- Sleep (This is when our bodies regenerate)
- Unplug – TV, the Internet, Social Media, etc. (Enough already)
- Pray/Meditate (We are spiritual beings, time to reconnect)
- Take your Nzymes! (877-816-6500)
Is Stress Taking a Toll? Give Yourself a Fighting Chance!