Christmas Stories and Pics 2018 – Part II
We would like to thank everyone who has participated so far in our in our simple, Christmas Raffle. We have received so many really great photos, and stories too, that we put this page up just to showcase them all. If you don’t see your’s, give us time. This page is a work in progress. We hope you’ll enjoy the wide variety of submissions featured here, and this awesome Video too!

<<<<< PARKER: Parker would love to play ball 24 7of he could. You throw the ball and he brings it right back to you. He plays by himself really well too. He makes up games, plays with two balls at once knocking them across the floor. He takes Nzymes for hair loss, and his joints.
Sandi A, Wichita, KS
>>>>> MIA: Our dear little Mia dressed up as the Bishop for Halloween. We got so many compliments I thought she would even be more special at Christmas
Sandy M, Fernandina Beach, FL

My name is Andie and I’m a 7 yr old little gal wanting to be the healthiest little dog on earth, so that I can have lots of time to spend going for a walk, playing with my toys and doing silly little tricks for a treat!!!
I love my people and they love me… We sure hope we win !!!
Jacque M.
Utica, IL

WINSTON – Winston is a 9-month-old Bloodhound who brings us more joy than we could have ever imagined. He is a very social and confident guy. Winston lives a very busy, fun-filled life and enjoys participating in dog shows where he struts his stuff and loves when the crowd cheers for him. He also loves to do his job and mantrail. He’s very good at his job and hopefully, one day will put his skills to good use and help find missing children and people. On his days off when his parents are working, he goes to daycare or what we call “school” where he gets to play with all his friends! During the summers you can find him lounging by his Grandma’s pool where he practices his dock diving! However, He has not always had the greatest immune system and ended up developing oral papillomas, which ultimately led us to discovering Nzymes! We knew something needed to change. We had done some research and changed him to an all raw, fresh food diet and started him in the oral papilloma Nzymes regimen. We are so proud to say that within 8 weeks he was papilloma free!! With no other medicines or surgery. We now recommend Nzymes to everyone we meet with any sort of issue with their dog. And as you can see from the picture, he’s a happy healthy boy who proudly made it on the nice list this year!!!
Jessica E.
Macomb, MI

<<<<< GUNNAR: Christmas with his new bear from Santa
Stacy B. – Mansfield, TX
>>>>> RETT, TARA & SNUGGLES: Rett the BIG black Newfoundland is 8. We’ve had him since he was 5. We got Snuggles the cat to keep him company but later got Tara our 2.5 yr old at 11 weeks. All 3 are the best of friends. I do fur friends cards every Christmas. This is this year’s. Merry Christmas to all.
Barbara D. – Somerset, KY

Fiona brought healing and laughter. She brought joy back into our home and has been filling us with joy for 2 years now!! We also have a sweet rescue puppy named Lily… but it’s hard to get her standing still!! Fiona clearly doesn’t love her ugly Christmas sweater, but she sure loves her Nzymes!! Both of my girls have them on their food daily and it shows!! They have beautiful coats and are so healthy!! Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas!! Sure hope I win that awesome sleigh full of goodies!!!
Dana Boyd
Nashville, TN

Some days I think he rescued us instead of the other way around. If we are sad, cry or sick he is right there by our side to make sure we are ok, give us a lick and lay his head on our chest to let us know we are loved.
Now that he is older he is starting to limp from how hard he has played over the years and Nzymes has helped him get around much easier so we are grateful for this company and their awesome product. I’m sure everyone says their dog is the best, be we know our Casey is the best for us, he’s our sweet boy!
Concetta T.
Ridley Park, PA

She loves sweaters and she loves to tear apart toys as fast as she can! She is in my lap whenever I am sitting down anywhere, and does not like to give up her lap space to the cat.
We adore her and she is amazingly gentle with my daughter. She also loves to play with our lab, who considers himself too above playing with another dog.

Puppy was bought for $5 from a parking lot in a very rural area where I was sure he would be drowned in the river if he hadn’t found a home by the end of the day. Buddy was dumped in another rural area and was found by some friends who already had 10 dumped dogs! He has severe separation anxiety and is my velcro dog. He visits one of our local senior homes and their memory care unit, as well as the Veteran’s Home. He adores being petted and loved on.
He could care less about toys, playing and retrieving. All he cares about is love and food. He is now almost 12. This picture was a long time ago.
Shannon C
Colbert, WA

PRINCE – I have wanted a dog for a long time but couldn’t have one due to a living situation. When I finally got into a place of my own I searched the rescue sites and found my little Prince. I call him my Prince Charming because he is such a good dog in every way possible. He had some allergy problems though and I didn’t want to put him on the meds that the Vet prescribed so I researched and found Nzymes.
Prince has brought so much joy into my life over the last 18 months. He is the perfect dog for me and I am so very grateful that we connected and I was able to adopt him.
I do some pet sitting and Prince is so good about sharing his toys and treats with the other dogs. I couldn’t have asked for a better dog than Prince. We rescued each other and I love this little guy so very much. I want to have many more years with him so I do everything I can to care for him holistically.
Prince and I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Diane, B
Largo, FL

MEALOW – This little guy is my wife Darcy’s pride and joy. He got pretty sick here about a month ago and luckily the vet brought him back to good health. We love our animals because they are part of our family. His was named “Mealow” because he is low to the ground. Lol. We have had 14 years of joy and would love for my wife to see his pic online. She has no idea I am entering him in this contest. Thank you.
Cody L.
Penticton, BC
Despite sounding like a fierce, ferocious girl, she was very afraid of loud noises like fireworks. Also, little noises like the chirp of a low battery fire alarm made her shake in fear. When I first got her, she was rather fearful of men. We figured she may have been abused in the home she lived in before she made the brave decision to run away!! When I met my second husband, she developed a very close bond with him. She’d sit half her body on his lap. And at 40 lbs, she wasn’t exactly a lap dog 🙂
Sadly, earlier this year in March we lost sweet Dusti to an aggressive cancer tumor. We fought hard to save her and give her more life, but it wasn’t meant to be.
We miss our funny, fierce girl, but love all the great memories we had with her. Our Greyhound, Graci really misses her. they were best friends. I’m very sure she had a much better life with my family than she would’ve in her previous home. Her angel is still in our house barking at the mailman.
Marla P.
Long Beach, CA

Lori R.
Cincinnati, OH

MISS HARPER – Miss Harper is a survivor of a horrific animal cruelty case where she lost her ears and her right rear leg. She currently lives at a kennel as she has some PTSD symptoms that preclude her from a normal home. I visit her every other week, at least she is alive and is reasonably a happy girl!
Bob S.
North Bellmore, NY

MISS KALI – Miss Kali’s owner died last year and his best friend traveled to California ( how she got her name) to save her from going to a shelter and brought her to New York. I adopted her in June 2017 and she is an absolute joy, so smart affectionate and obedient!
Bob S.
<<<<< SOL’E: Sol’e was rescued as a kitten during the Christmas season….she was very thin and had been eating scraps. When I picked her up she sat on my shoulder dug her claws in my sweater and did not want to be put down. We were instant Soulmates. When I am at my office area she is there with me, when I am in the bath she is there with me…I have had other cats and I love them all dearly but this girl will never be replaced.
Joanne W.
Gold Canyon, AZ
WHITTAKER: We bred British bulldogs and Boston terriers for 15 years we retired about 3 years ago but still have3 Bostons and 4 bulldogs Whittaker has been mine since the moment he was born. >>>>>>>>>>>
Ted B.
Armstrong, BC

SHREK – Shrek has always had a unique personality. He hates to be embarrassed. We laughed at him because he looked so cute with his antlers on. He became embarrassed and just laid there for an hour with the antlers on his head and that look on his face!!!!
Tara M.
Manchester, NJ

HARLEY & JOE – Harley Joe (Maltese) and Mz Becky (Bichon Poodle Mix & 11 yrs.old) like to relax and hang out with the furry reindeer at Christmas time.
Carol B
Oxnard, CA

JOY – Adorable little joy with her big dark eyes!!!
Patricia B.
Ashburnham, MA

Joe B
Ashburnham, MA

REED – Another candid photo during present opening last Christmas. Our shepherd mix Reed going on for a kiss with my daughter. Reed, Maise the pitty mix, and Buddy the rat terrier are all rescues from the local shelter where we volunteer.

MAISE – This is last Christmas morning. I enjoy taking candid photos during present opening time. Our three dogs always curiously gather around our daughter to see what she gets while awaiting their stockings. This is them gathered with Maisie our pitty mix getting some love from her sissy. The shepherd mix is Reed and the rat terrier is Buddy. They are all rescues from the local shelter where we volunteer.
Juli V.
Thornton, CO

Pam P
Aiken, SC
Shimmer suffers from arthritic pain as well as digestive issues. We decided to put her on Nzymes as we have success with our other two Shih Tzus. We took her off the pain meds and now that she is on Nzymes, she moves more easily and appears pain-free. Additionally, she doesn’t have the stomach issues. We are grateful for the difference Nzymes has made with our dogs.
Pam P
Aiken, SC

OLLIE – Ollie is another foster fail. He was adopted and returned multiple times (we have NO IDEA why???)) He’s a lovebug and the sweetest cat ever! The last family that adopted him had to travel out of town for a medical issue multiple times. They asked us to watch him each time and finally we all agreed we should just keep him.
He adopted my husband as his person right away, and this was what allowed him to get to stay – as we already had 2 other cats and 2 large dogs. Ollie is our only cat now, as the others have passed on.
He loves to commune with nature! We often find him laying near the deer lick with lots of deer and turkeys gathered around him. He is also a prolific bird hunter! His fur feels like mink!
Shannon C.
Colbert, WA

Joey C.
Franklin Park, IL
DUNCAN – Duncan is our 19-month-old silly Great Dane. He underwent surgery for a bone condition in both front legs and underwent weeks of physical therapy recently. He is so happy to be well again and off leash. Great Danes give you their heart and hugs by leaning against you. He gives hugs every day and means the world to our family.
He is the first Great Dane we have owned. We bought him from the side of a road and just fell in love with his sweet face. He will always have a special place in our family.
He has been on Nzymes sprout granules and bac-pal plus and we see the difference it has made for his health.
Janice O.
Spring Branch, TX

My wife and I applied to adopt Tali back in June and we were selected to adopt her. Her bid sister Dakota is 9 years old and suffering from hip and elbow dysplasia. Tali and Dakota get along super well and have formed a forever bond.
John S.
Brick, NJ

Sara H.
Highland Park, IL

BELLA – Bella, 12 weeks old is my Christmas present this year from my husband, Drew. Bella is either 100% wide-open or 100% sleep! I love her so much, but the sword is double-edged. We have not put any holiday decorations up as of today, as our 10-year-old pitbull, Shadow has been battling cancer and we had to put him down today. Bella kept Shadow quite occupied before he got really sick, she is a true “Wild Thing”. Looking forward to having many wonderful years with her. We barely got her to be still for the pictures we took. Thank goodness for my husband as he has had so much experience and is such a great trainer.
Yvonne M.
Gladstone, VA

TUCKER – Tucker was rescued from the Denver Dumb Friends League in 2008. He was nine months old and only forty-five pounds then. He was a skinny puppy. Ten years later, this skinny puppy has grown to almost ninety-five pounds and a member of the family. He does love his comfort and even has his own chair. He loves new things and wants to explore every decoration in the house, hoping that one might squeak. One year he claimed a snowman pillow and carried it all over the house and yards. Whenever he decided to watch the world go by, he would drop the snowman and lay on it. His antics have been the subject of many photos and chuckles the past decade.
Tim R.
Westminster, CO

YARROW – Yarrow wishes one and all a Merry Christmas!
Christine S.
Goldsboro, NC

<<<<< ROZ: This hat on Roz goes back a long way, to when I was young (now I am 71), my mom knit this hat for one of my dolls. Roz looks good in it now to this day. keeps those tall ears warm.
Heather N. – Odessa, ON
LUKE & LEIA >>>>>: Luke and Leia were adopted from a local shelter in 2008. They’re brother and sister and we say their breed is “chowpherd”. They love walks and treats. Luke likes to snuggle and Leia demands pets on her terms. They hate having their photo taken but reluctantly will pose. Rachel M. – Sugarland, TX

Irene B.
Hilton, NY
Irene B.
Hilton, NY

Cheri S.
Edgewood, NM

Merry Christmas
Love Nzymes!
Wee Mew Leng J.
Singapore, SG

<<<<< CHIA & ROSA: This is my daughter, Rachel, with our adopted (rescue) fur babies, wishing everybody a Merry Christmas, and a healthy, safe and Happy New Year
Patricia D.
Phoenix, AZ
>>>>>> SHILOH: Shiloh was a rescue. I saved him and he saved me
Barbara S.
Jacksonville, FL

Rebecca H.
Gearhart, OR

Merry Christmas from The Fortune Family
Audra F.
Beaverton, OR