Domingo Overcomes Weakened Immunity, Poor Gut pH, Yeast

Yeasty Cattle Dog

Name: Domingo
Breed: Australian Cattle Dog
Age: 11 Years
Issue: Gut pH; Skin Health

Domingo was adopted in 2017 from a shelter and came with a greasy coat, fleas and embedded ticks. He developed excoriated, oozing red sores on his rump area with hair loss. He was also overweight.

I realized after research that his skin problems were diet related and I needed to change his gut pH. I found out about NZYMES and started him on the Healthy Skin Program in February 2019.

It took one year of following the program and taking him off kibble and onto a raw diet. He also went from 66 pounds to 50 pounds. He’s been doing great for six years and no longer has skin issues!

Carol P
Mesa, AZ

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