Hardy & German Shepherd Skin Problems & Ear Disorders

If you are searching for a solution to German Shepherd’s skin problems & ear disorders, then you’ve come to the right place! Below is what Tony Kasprzak of Reading, PA has to say about his dog Hardy.  While the Photos illustrate only 3.5 months between “before & After”, the Process was not finished, as a full Cleansing & Gut-rebalance can take a Year or more – especially in our more modern times with all the new immune suppression Drugs in use – that further diminish dog immune capabilities.

Hardy is my 8-year-old German Shepherd. His previous owners had kept him on a low-quality (high-carb) grocery-store-brand dog food most of his life.

Shepherd with serious skin problems

<< (Before Pic – miserable & Sad looking)
When Hardy began having health problems (diagnosed as “allergies”) – with itchy skin problems, constantly recurring ear disorders, low energy, and hair loss, the vet would put him on antibiotics time and time again.

(After pic – healthy and Revived) >>

Shepherd, clear of skin problems
shepherd skin problems, rear

<< (Before Pic)
The treatment cycle kept repeating itself, and after the medication was done (and worn off), the same condition/symptoms would return. I did some research and came across Nzymes® and their solution (Skin Program) for dogs like Hardy. I decided to order the Nzymes Healthy-Skin Kit and to follow all the instructions.        (After Pic) >>

Hardy, Shepherd well again

At this point, I was willing to try anything other than another ‘repeat process’ with the vet. I also switched him to EaglePack holistic food (no longer recommended) from Nzymes® list of Pet Foods for Yeast Problems and began using their kit.

The pictures here speak for themselves. Just look at Hardy after 3 1/2 months on the Nzymes® program. Thank you for giving my dog his quality of life back. Just look in his eyes in the before and after pictures and you can see that!

Thank you again. I have just renewed my order to continue the program.

Tony Kasprzak
Reading, PA

Products to Support for Yeast in Dogs