Pippin: Mostly Clear of Presumed Allergies Issue in Months
Age: 11
Breed: Maltese/Pomeranian Mix
Reported Issues: ‘Allergies’, Ear Infections, Eye Drainage
Nzymes NOTE: We have been dealing with such cases – with presumed allergies – since 1999, with nearly 200 new cases per month in recent years. Our very high success rate shows that…switching to our “nutritionally focused” yeast-removal program, now known as Healthy-Skin Program, will most always work to resolve issues with a ‘presumed diagnosis’ of dog allergies. Yes, our ‘restore Gut balance’ approach has been very successful, but not without ruffling the feathers of vets tied to the ‘allergies’ theory.
Pippin’s Treatments for Presumed Allergies Led to Frustration
I have used your product(s) for about a year now and can’t say enough about the results I’ve seen in my dogs, and in me too.
My dog constantly had various issues with allergies, skin issues, ear, and eye infections. I was constantly taking him to the vet who would prescribe antibiotics. Ultimately, the infections always came back. On our last trip, I expressed my frustration and said, “this is just working on the symptoms, not the problem”. The vet rolled her eyes at me.
Seeking Alternative Solutions
I went online and found the Nzymes.COM website. I had nothing to lose and liked the information provided there. I ordered the Nzymes® Large Healthy Skin Kit and switched all their food and put them on bottled water. It really is a complete process.

Detoxification is Part of the Process
After about two weeks, my dog’s fur turned completely pinkish/purple and he had pinkish gunk coming out his eyes, in his stools, and in his urine. I freaked out and called the Nzymes® offices number in a panic. The people there assured me that this was normal as the yeast had to leave the body and to just keep going with the program.
The Groomer’s Surprise
You should have seen the look on the groomer’s face when she saw this five-pound purple furball. BUT, once she shaved it all off, Pippin looked snow-white with no itching or ear and eye gunk. I keep them (my dogs) on the Nzymes® and within two months Pippin had completely stopped scratching and licking and has not had any other allergy-related symptoms in over a year.
Using Nzymes for Myself
As I suffer from Candida (as well), I decided to give the human Nzymes® products a try and I cannot say enough about the results. I tried all the medicines my doctor offered to no avail. After a month on the Nzymes® products, the Candida was gone and has not returned. Oh, and my Rosacea is much lighter when I use the products as they are beginning to think that this skin disorder may be caused by bacteria in the gut. I will keep all humans and pets on this product as it does wonders.
Thank you so much for this product, and please ignore some of the naysayers (thinking of vet-skeptic) who bash your products without ever even trying them. You can’t save some people from themselves! (See Candida Support for People)
PJ. Jongbloed, MA