Emmet’s Respiratory Problem: Puppy Pneumonia

Emmet was Congested
Two months ago we brought our new Bulldog puppy home with us. That day, we noticed right away that something wasn’t right with him. Besides green mucus coming from his nose, he sounded horribly congested. We immediately took him to the vet and learned that Emmet had pneumonia. This is a very serious illness for any dog, especially a 9-week old puppy. We were obviously very worried.
Vet Prescribed Meds
Our vet prescribed antibiotics and did not appear to be very optimistic about Emmet’s condition and would not assure us that he would be OK.
Still No Improvement
After a week on the antibiotics, we went back to the vet to see if his condition was improving. His chest x-ray showed no sign of improvement. In fact, the vet felt Emmet was actually getting worse with now over 80% of his lungs were compromised.
Searching for Help Online
We were quite upset and began searching for anything that would save our puppy. After many extensive searches online, we came across your web site and figured it wouldn’t hurt to try your product. The Nzymes® Ox-E-Drops arrived on a Tuesday afternoon and I immediately began to put the drops in a vaporizer to begin the Respiratory program.
Ox-E-Drops Ingested & Vaporized
That Friday (2.5 days after the drops arrived) we brought Emmet to the vet for yet another chest x-ray. I admit I wasn’t holding onto much hope that any change had occurred. However, the vet said that his lungs were significantly improving and that rather than being 80%, they were now 50%. I increased my efforts and put drops into his water bowls while continuing with the vaporizer therapy. A week and a half later, we brought Emmet to the vet for another x-ray. We were ecstatic to learn that his lungs were 90% cleared!
Emmet Doing So Much Better
While Emmet was also on antibiotics during this time, we are convinced that the Nzymes® Ox-E-Drops are what sped up and supported the recovery process. Emmet is now four months old (today) and is doing great! The vets are all amazed how well he is doing. His lungs are 100% cleared and he has been completely cleared of puppy pneumonia. He is a thriving, very healthy and happy bulldog puppy. I have no doubt that Nzymes® Ox-E-Drops saved my puppy. Even though he is well, I continue to put the Ox-E-Drops in his water and food. Thank you very much for your help. You saved Emmet!
Colleen DellaBella – Wharton, NJ
Check out our Healthy-Respiratory Program; Or Review this Video to See How Easy it Is