Embarrassing Urinary Leaking in Doberman

Goldie Struggles with Incontinence
I have a beautiful 9-year-old Doberman Pinscher named Goldie. Goldie has been suffering from incontinence (urinary leaking) since she was spayed 8 years ago. Goldie would leak all over the rug, on the floor, in her bed every where she would lay down at.
The Vet Prescribed Proin
We took her to the vet and he gave her (a med called) PROIN (Phenylpropanolamine). They tried that but it didn’t work. We had given up on Goldie getting better and just accepted the fact that she would leak for the rest of her life.
Already Familiar with Ox-E-Drops
I started using your Nzymes® Ox-E-Drops because Goldie also suffered from chronic eye conditions. Your drops were a blessing to us. I would wash her eyes out every few days with the 2% topical solution as directed and her eye issues cleared-up. I was so impressed with the Nzymes® Ox-E-Drops that I thought I would give your Nzymes® Antioxidant Treats a shot.
Antioxidant Treats made the Difference
I am SO PLEASED to say that after giving Goldie the recommended amount of Treats, Goldie NO LONGER is incontinent! We certainly weren’t expecting the incontinence to go away. I gave her the Nzymes® Antioxidant Treats just because I thought they would be good for her. We noticed after a month of giving her the treats, she is completely 100% leak free. No more urinary leaking! Your product is truly a MIRACLE!
Using Nzymes for Myself
After seeing what it has done for Goldie, I NOW have my other 2 dogs on the treats and I’m starting on the Nzymes® Antioxidant Complex for my self and my family. You truly have a WONDERFUL product. It’s truly amazing. I will be a customer for LIFE!
Yours Truly,
Lotus Bonadona – Oakley, CA