Natural Support for Urinary Troubles & UTI Issues with Cats
UTI or Urinary Troubles in Cats are painful and dangerous conditions that can create problem blockages. This may restrict and eventually prevent the release of urine. The continued collection of urine results in the painful expansion of the bladder. This becomes more and more dangerous by the day if not the hour.
The issue must be attended to by a vet as quickly as possible. He will first feel the underbelly for a hard, bloated bladder. Next, they’ll a check the urine for crystals or stones and the bacteria type present with the infection. Lastly, this will be followed by antibiotic administered or prescribed.

Crystals and Stones
The blockage consists of a buildup of CRYSTALS that are generated by a combination of factors. Lack of fresh, clean water intake combined with a bacterial infection and a pH too high (alkaline) is a ripe environment for the crystals to form.
Bacterial Infections
All it takes is a bacterial infection to begin the formation of crystals which can quickly multiply. It does not take much buildup of crystals to begin blocking the urethra. Before too long it can be completely blocked.
Urination becomes painful as the blockage is building up with significant discomfort. This can result in extreme pain and dire danger with the possibility of a painful death!
Common Symptoms
Such urinary problems in cats are particularly common in non-neutered male cats but all cats are at risk. This is truer for males more vs. females. Symptoms include…
- Strong urine smells
- Straining to urinate
- Excessive drinking
- Small clumps in the litter box
- Urination at places outside the litter box.
Cats Aren’t Always Big Drinkers
Generally, cats aren’t big drinkers of water. Often their water supplies may to sit for days, therefore, collecting bacteria. This is a key reason to add the power of Ox-E-Drops to your cat’s food and water. The few drops you add each day help to develop a healthier pH balance of the digestive tract and support the battle with digestive microbial bacteria and pathogens. It is from these sources that the initial build-up of Crystals and Stones is developed.
Lack of Water
We mentioned that lack of water in the diet is often one of the causative factors. For this reason, if providing canned food to the cat as part of the daily diet, add some water, stirring it in with the food.
Anything you can do to achieve increased water intake can be beneficial. Remember that water is a natural solvent which assists the digestive tract in processing the cat’s food and treats. But digesting meat requires more water as it is more difficult to digest. The eating of meat without water can also dehydrate the body quickly. So, we suggest adding water to the food and give some extra water using a syringe when possible after eating.
Auto-Water Fountains for Cats
NOT A GOOD IDEA. With any continual-feed water system, the buildup of algae and bacteria is inevitable. This could be the ‘starting point’ for a urinary infection. Providing fresh water – at least every 2 days – for your cat. Of course, you want to add a few Ox-E-Drops to the water bowl to help keep the bowl cleaner and the water safe.
Discuss this with Your Vet
As mentioned, your vet will know exactly how to check your cat for a full and hardened bladder to confirm the issue. And, most often, tests may be able to assess a specific bacterium so that a more specific antibiotic can be used (safer for your cat’s digestive tract).
How Nzymes Ox-E-Drops Supports Healthier Urinary Functions
For urinary problems in cats, we therefore recommend the addition of a few drops of the Ox-E-Drops to the cat’s water dish each time it is filled. The few drops you add each day help to develop a healthier pH balance. It also adds support the battle with digestive microbial bacteria and pathogens. It is from these sources that the initial build-up of Crystals and Stones can be developed.
Using Ox-E-Drops in Food and Water is Simple
Just add 2-3 drops to a tsp of water and pour over cat’s food twice daily. Add the same number of drops to the cat’s water dish, each time it is filled. Using this combination of adding water in the diet and Daily water bowl may help the oxygenation process the body uses to fight pathogens and bacteria.