Golden Enjoys Freedom from Papilloma Mouth Warts

- Breed: Golden Retriever
- Age: 1.5 Yrs.
- Health Concerns: Papilloma Virus, COPV, Mouth Warts
Rylee’s Oral Wart Story – September 23, 2012:
Dear BioPet, We have a Golden Retriever named Rylee. At a little over a year and a half old, Rylee developed a Papilloma Virus in her mouth. I called my vet who told me that there is really nothing we can do for mouth warts, just let it run its course.
A week later I noticed four more mouth warts starting to grow and the other ones were getting bigger by the minute. I felt really bad for Rylee as she is very active and I knew how contagious the warts were to other dogs, so she couldn’t play with anyone. So I researched on the internet and came across your Nzymes.COM.
I was very skeptical, as I never order things on the internet. I felt I had nothing to lose but try this product. So as of August 18th, I documented and took pictures of Rylee before we started.
I did as I instructed and I put 10 drops in her food of the Nzymes® Black leaf, 4 drops of Ox-E-Drops diluted in one teaspoon of water in her food and the Nzymes® Antioxidant treats.
Within one week I noticed that her mouth warts were shrinking, I was delighted. I took other pictures to see the progress. Two weeks later I couldn’t believe how the warts have shrunk. I took another picture. By the third week, they were basically gone! I am thrilled with your product.
If Rylee gets another wart I will not hesitate to reorder your product.
Thank you so much for making my dog happy and able to play again!
Susan Canter & Carly Mitchell – QC, Canada
FINAL NOTE: The Antioxidant Treats in this Kit ($22.95 value) is ‘Complimentary’, is our #1 Product, and helps with virtually all health issues. See this Page to better understand our products – Treats and Granules – known as “the Nzymes”.