Dog Black Skin

What to Know about Allergies in Dogs


Issues Often Attributed to ‘Allergies’

  • Warm Weather Flare Ups (summer “allergies”)
  • Itchy Skin and Paws
  • Excessive Licking and Scratching
  • Minor-to-Serious HAIR LOSS Issues
  • Hot Spots (some cases)
  • Ear Infections (some cases)
  • Blackened Skin / Elephant-Skin
  • Offensive, Intolerable ODOR
  • Chewing at Feet/Legs
  • Anal Gland troubles (sometimes)

  • Alf-before-Nzymes

In A Nut-Shell:

Your dog is itching and scratching all over. He’s losing his hair, has yucky spots on his skin, battles ear infections, and/or smells terrible. He’s gone to the vet several times and receivedย medications like antibiotics or steroids. Afterward, the dog often gets better for a short period time while on the medications, then after the medsย run their course the problem returns a little worse than before. ย So it’s back to the vet repeat the process and on it goes. Maybe you’ve even taken himย to the dermatologist and had allergy testing doneย and begun a series ofย allergy shots. On and on it goes and you areย wondering what is going on because these treatments onlyย seem to work for a short time before the symptoms returnย again. Or you may have been tempted by a “Silver Bullet” answer, where ads propose that one single product is going to help resolve the issues and make your headaches go away. This is ill-advised since these are always complex problems (as being described above) and there simply is not a simple (and cheap) answer.

Well, we want you to know that you have come to the right place! We hear similar stories from customers multiple times every day. It’s time you found theย real solution by following Nzymes Healthy Skin Program. Help your dog get back on track the natural way. Do this the and we GUARANTEE that you’ll see the results you want!

The Question:ย  How do I get rid of my dog’s allergies?

The Problem:ย  Actually, “Allergies” is most likely not the problem at all

The Clarification:ย  Not sure whether to believe it’s Allergies or Something Else?ย  — CLICK HERE



See the Full Savanna Recovery Story

The medical field defines an ‘allergy’ as “abnormal reaction or over-reaction of the immune system.” Therefore, when a veterinarian sees your dog’s immune system reacting (or being extra sensitive) to foods, treats, grass, trees, etc., they often believe it is food allergies that they are experiencing. Typically a vet will prescribe a special prescription pet food for sensitive dogs and later maybe an antibiotic, steroid, topical medicated cream, or antihistamine to help with the symptoms.ย The PROBLEM with this approach is that the pet food is generally fullย of sugar and starchy carbohydrates ingredients that feed sugar to the actual root of the problem, Yeast.

The medications (like antibiotics and steroids) beside their medicinal help, can damage the natural flora of the gut and inhibit the immune system of your pet. ย Often this can cause detrimental side effects and a wide variety of symptoms. But what good is any of this if theย problem consistently comes back to haunt your pet, causing you more vet visits and medications. Allergy shots and dermatology visits are also often recommended once the medications stop masking the symptoms.ย And “masking the symptoms” is exactly what these medications do.

If your dog should be experiencing problems that are actually the result of an allergic reaction, not just a vet’s assessment, those kinds of reactions and symptoms should dissipate and go away once the allergens are removed from the equation. In our experience, these kinds of allergic reactions in dogs are rare rather than common.

Actual Allergy Issues

Though there may be situations where Pets may truly be allergic to things they come in contact with, eat or inhale, it is important to understand that this type of problem is rare. This is totally in contrast to a viewpoint within the veterinary community that seems oriented toward the notion that there large numbers of dogs (or cats) that are prone to be allergic to nearly anything or everythingย once this basic digestive tract problem pops up it misleading head.

However, here at Nzymes, we have come to have extremely heavy experience related to pets with these “so-called” allergy issuesย on a daily basis since 1999, with tens of thousands of serious and challenging cases resolved over those years. Our findings and experience show that these “allergy assumptions” are trulyย misdirected and that at the root of these misdiagnosed allergy problems is virtually always a systemic yeast overgrowth issue, which IS resolvable.ย  Whereas, there is NO real resolution possible where the “keep the allergies in check” treatment approach is in use. Nzymes has researched and developed our Healthy-Skin Program with the help of leading Pet Nutritionists and Veterinary Immune System Specialists over the years. With all those years of research, approach adjustments, and tremendous success in an estimated 60,000+ cases, the facts show us that almost EVERY TIME, the affected pet is actually battling a Systemic Yeast Infection of the digestive tract – which can be reversed, over time, with our nutritionally-focused Healthy-Skin Program.ย  This is not a cure; it’s actually about re-balancing the gut by pushing and crowding-out the Yeast and rebuilding healthy bacterial colonies to the point that they are back in proper control of the gut environment.

For years weย researched and developed our Healthy-Skin Program along with the topย Pet Nutritionists and leading Veterinary Immune System Specialists. The only way to effectively manage this yeast problemย is to use the right nutrition factors to naturally strengthenย the pet’s immune system and digestive tract. ย This allowsย the pet toย then to rebuild and recover slowly, at its own pace, to resolve what are sometimes overwhelming cleansing symptoms.

Yeast Overgrowth and Leaky Gut Syndrome

<< Example – Severe Yeast Overgrowth of Intestinal Tract

Our Simple Warning:ย  Symptoms often get worse before beginning to improve!

We’ve experienced tremendous results with this approach for nearly 2 decades now, and more success stories come into our mailbox each and every day. Our program has proven successful about 90% of the time. But, again, Cleansing is the essence of this Program; in other words, ‘whats inside has to come out’ and therefore ‘the symptoms will likely worsen before they get better‘. This is the KEY fact to keep in mind as your pet processes through 3 to 7 months of ‘challenging cleansing’. ย See Example – of Yeast growing on Blood sample.

This is the approach that we take here at Nzymes. The support provided by the products and procedures (The 5-Steps) of our comprehensive Healthy-Skin Program, including low-glycemic, high-quality pet food,ย will provide the success you are seeking in assisting your pet in his/her recovery. We Guarantee your satisfaction, or your Money Back!

The Answer

The Healthy-Skin Kits (3 choices shown) will help with the tough challenge of rebuilding the gut’s โ€˜friendly bacteria coloniesโ€™ and ‘slowly but surely’ reversing the Candida yeast overgrowth in the GI tract that has been making your dogs’ life so very miserable. See HOW the Candida is able to create such havoc. As this digestive imbalance is reversed over the months, your petโ€™s observed symptoms will subside in accordance with progress. However, secondary cleansing will continue for 5-6 months (or more) beyond the disappearance of most symptoms. A Maintenance Program is recommended after this ‘detox & rebalance’ period – to prevent future relapses of this very challenging problem.

The Nzymesยฎ Healthy-Skin Kits are designed to offer a low-cost and effective solution to the overall issues whileย naturally supporting a healthy immune system.


Click Here To Check Out our Healthy-Skin Program and See Reviews

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