Arthritis in Dogs: Other Considerations
Arthritis in dogs is an all too common ailment. Many pet parents have resigned themselves to the fact that arthritis, and its debilitating impact, are just part of a dog’s life. Some forms of arthritis in dogs, like (Degenerative Joint Disease) have no cure. Today, the use of pain medications, NSA-ID’s and joint supplements can dramatically improve your dog’s mobility and quality of life.
Consider these Dangers When Using Pain Medications
- Potential Damage to Liver or Kidneys
- Know Your Breed’s Specific Medication Warnings
- Side Effects with Pain Medications
– During and after NSAID therapy, monitor your pet for side effects, such as vomiting, diarrhea, bloody or tar-colored stool, decreased appetite, decreased activity level, yellowing of the whites of the eyes, and yellowing of the gums.

Which Pain Medications are Toxic for Arthritis in Dogs?
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
- Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
- Naproxen (Aleve, Anaprox)
- Antidepressants.
- ADD/ADHD Medication.
- Sleep Aids (Benzodiazepines, Xanax, Ambien)
- Beta-Blockers.
- Thyroid Hormones.

Consider these Physical Options for Arthritis in Dogs
A Look at Lifestyle for Arthritis in Dogs
While it may seem counter-intuitive, a good exercise routine can actually help your arthritic dog. A short walk once or twice a day can improve your dog’s mobility and mental attitude. It’s important to be observant during these mild exercises.
Look for extra limping or a change in mood. You may need to modify your routine. Swimming is also beneficial. If possible, this exercise is both fun (for most dogs) and extra gentle on sore joints.

Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic adjustments help to increase ease of movement with arthritis in dogs. This way a dog doesn’t try to over-compensate for the pain by walking off-balance. Simply taking their full weight off one side or another can can create other joint and inflammation problems.
Chiropractic care focuses on diagnosing, treating and preventing nerve stress, paying special attention to the spine. This form of treatment also works very well in conjunction with supplemental care.

Who knew there are vets that are actually trained in traditional Chinese veterinary medicine – or TCVM. I had no idea until doing some research. If this is news to you too, you may be just as surprised by the benefits this treatment can offer:
it improves blood flow, increases the release of natural painkillers and anti-inflammatory hormones in the body, relaxes muscles and has no side-effects. Curious to know more? Check out this short article.

Physical Therapy for Arthritis in Dogs
The are alternative ways in which you can help support arthritis in dogs without having to resort to medications. Massage therapy, water therapy, and thermal treatments are just a few. And, there are “at-home exercises” that can help mobility and alleviate pain for an arthritic dog as well. Your vet may be able to suggest a canine therapist or provide a few practices to get you started. Many pet parents not only notice a change in their dog’s movement but a change in mood as well. Seems dogs enjoy a good massage as well.
As an closing note, never underestimate what a little extra attention and TLC can do for your dog. Let’s practice positivity and be proactive, It may just improve our quality of life as well!

Consider these Nutritional Options for Arthritis in Dogs
Pet Foods, Treats and Supplements
Today, our biggest concern for Arthritis in dogs, is the amounts of SUGAR incorporated in pet foods and treats. The majority of our national retailers are locked into selling brands of pet food and treats which have limited nutrition. These big name brands are poor in quality and can range from 43 to 53% sugar for the entire bag after processing.
NOTE: There is NO listing of sugar in the ingredients. How can that be? Sugar is the No.1 producer of inflammation in dogs. At, we don’t sell pet food, but you can click here to see the pet foods we recommend.
Some studies suggest that gelatin has the ability to relieve joint pain and help repair and rebuild cartilage. While many companies offer gelatin tablets for dogs, you can also make your own tasty treats. Another supplement thought to improve joint health and function is bone broth because of the amazing amounts of glucosamine it contains, as well as chondroitin and hyaluronic acid.
Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate:
These nutrients are thought to help cartilage repair itself (or at least, slow the degeneration of the joint). More than half of arthritic dogs seem to enjoy better mobility and less pain when they take these supplements. A generally accepted dosage is 20 mg of glucosamine per pound of body weight per day and 16 mg per pound of chondroitin sulfate. On top of lifestyle changes, I encourage dog owners to really explore the natural pet supplements out there. However, amid the endless barrage of miracle medicines, there are some supplements worth their salt. Keep in mind, just as with people, not all dogs will respond to supplements in the same way. Do your research and see what supplement, or what combination of supplements, works best for your pup.
NOTE: A commonly asked question is whether the Antioxidant Treats or Sprouted Granules and glucosamine/chondroitin can be used together. The answer is Yes – in fact, these two supplements can complement each other concerning your dog’s arthritis without overlapping. Please click the following link to Learn More.
Nzymes Antioxidant Treats or Granules:
With arthritis in dogs you need an antioxidant supplement that starts functioning at the cellular level. One that works by enabling the natural production of antioxidant enzymes. Enzymes which help to help remove damaging free radicals and toxins from the body. With the ‘live superfood’ protein source used in the Antioxidant Treats or Sprouted Granules, many dogs will enjoy renewed energy and playfulness. This powerful formula affects the body in many positive ways. It has a profound effect on the restoration of synovial fluid (the lubricating fluid that supports and protect joints.
See Our Vet Study on Inflammation in Dogs:
The power of the Nzymes formula can be witnessed in the success stories shown throughout our site. Nzymes also play a positive role in the processes of inflammation. Years back, a Vet study was done on “The Effects of Nzymes Oral Supplementation on Musculoskeletal Inflammation in Dogs”. 364 dogs we studied and the results in just 8 days were remarkable. Click here to see the full vet study
And, TWO other ‘Don’t Miss’ Items: Short Stores & REVIEWS & Do the Nzymes Really Work
Products to Support Arthritis in Dogs and Joint Discomfort
Sprouted Granules are for Economical Preference, the Treats for Convenience